Author: Hunter

  • i2CAT promueve el primer laboratorio abierto europeo de investigación 6G en órbita baja

    El centro de investigación i2CAT ha anunciado en el marco del Mobile World Congress la puesta en marcha del primer laboratorio en órbita terrestre baja de Europa (LEO, por sus siglas en inglés). El objetivo del mismo no es otro que promover la investigación y el desarrollo de redes no terrestres (NTN, por sus siglas… Read more

  • Davos 2025: Key priorities and truths for CIOs

    Davos 2025 was a blend of optimism and urgency. One data point presented at the event showed that 62% of business leaders from large organizations expressed confidence in their growth prospects (Capgemini Research Institute). However, they also recognized the need for bold actions to achieve sustainable success. Key priorities such as cost control, supply chain… Read more

  • 칼럼 | ‘드론’이 이미 ‘비즈니스’를 바꾸고 있다

    실제로 드론이 사진과 전쟁 분야를 바꾸고 있기는 하다. 하지만 이 범주의 기술이 가장 크게 영향을 미칠 영역은 비즈니스일 가능성이 높다. 드론의 정체부터 드론은 RC 헬리콥터가 아니다. 이제 그런 생각을 버리고 드론이 실제로 무엇인지 알아볼 때다. 드론은 날아서 움직이는 로봇이라는 표현이 좀더 적절하다. 유달리 유용하고 성능이 뛰어난 로봇이다. 가령 복잡한 환경에서도 장애물에 부딪히지 않고 이동할 수… Read more

  • Best 7 Coffee Makers (2025): Drip Is Drippin’

    The old-fashioned drip coffee maker has come a long way. Our favorite machines here can turn your barista into a stranger. Read more

  • The short, strange history of gene de-extinction

    This article first appeared in The Checkup, MIT Technology Review’s weekly biotech newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Thursday, and read articles like this first, sign up here. This week saw the release of some fascinating news about some very furry rodents—so-called “woolly mice”—created as part of an experiment to explore how we might one day… Read more

  • Android phones are getting lock screen widgets this year

    Google has announced that lock screen widgets are coming to Android 16 phones later this year. Widgets have been available on the lock screen of the Pixel Tablet since last year, but Google is now bringing them to phones and more tablets. All widgets will support the lock screen by default, though app developers will… Read more

  • RIP (por fin) a la moda del blockchain

    El bombo y platillo del blockchain que se produjo a finales de la década de 2010 casi ha desaparecido, sustituido por un intenso interés en la inteligencia artificial (IA) y perjudicado por los esquemas incompletos de criptomonedas y NFT, dicen algunos expertos. El último informe sobre el ciclo de expectación del blockchain publicado en julio… Read more

  • 20 organizations advancing women in tech

    Despite national conversations about a lack of women in IT, women remain largely underrepresented in technology roles, according to a study by the National Science Foundation. And the pipeline doesn’t suggest a near-term correction. Women make up 35% of employees in STEM in the US, and at the Big Five tech companies — Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon,… Read more

  • Want to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier? Then Cultivate Your Social Connections

    Chronic loneliness can increase cortisol and inflammation and weaken your immune system, says social scientist Kasley Killiam. She argues it’s time to accept that good quality social connections are a fundamental human need. Read more

  • 8 obstacles women still face when seeking a leadership role in IT

    If you are a tech leader, you might encourage your daughter to follow your path, imagining a journey, like yours, with challenges that can be overcome with hard work. But if you are a man — especially a white man — you are likely unaware of the massive obstacles she will face that you didn’t.… Read more