Author: Hunter
Revlon One-Step Volumizer Plus Review: Hot Looks for Less
This blow-dry brush performs just as well as its pricey competitors, give or take a little frizz. Read more
Hands-On With GPT-4.5, OpenAI’s Most Powerful Model Yet
The release of OpenAI’s biggest model ever exposes the tension between building artificial general intelligence and making ChatGPT into a truly useful utility. Read more
Is your EA just IT? Unlocking the value of enterprise architecture
Enterprise architecture (EA) has evolved beyond governance and documentation. Today, it’s a business accelerator driving efficiency, accelerating digital transformation, and shaping competitive advantage. When executed strategically, EA can: Reduce costs through optimized IT investments. Accelerate transformation by enabling rapid decision-making. Align business and technology for competitive advantage. Yet, many organizations struggle to structure EA teams… Read more
Tres requisitos imprescindibles a la hora de contratar a proveedores de IA
Dos años de experimentación con la IA generativa pueden haber dado lugar a varios casos de uso valiosos pero, en este período, los líderes de TI también han aprendido que no hay que lanzarse a ciegas a esta nueva tecnología en rápida evolución. Algunas organizaciones, como es el caso de la empresa de imagen e… Read more
This Goopy Seaweed Slurry Could Make Its Way Into Everything You Eat and Wear
A startup called Marine Biologics is breaking down seaweed into its base components so they can be used for a range of consumer applications, from foodstuffs to cosmetics to bioplastics. Read more
Salesforce takes on hyperscalers with Agentforce 2dx updates
Salesforce’s updates to its agentic AI offering — Agentforce — released this week could give the CRM software provider an edge over its enterprise application rivals and hyperscalers including AWS, Google, IBM, Service Now and Microsoft. Currently, hyperscalers and enterprise software providers combined dominate 60% of the agentic AI market and Salesforce has a significant… Read more
Making mindfulness a leadership success factor
Many industries are currently undergoing massive change. They are adapting organizationally, introducing modern technologies and developing new business models. This is accompanied by a fundamentally changed working environment and a rethinking of corporate culture. Managers find themselves at the nexus of this transformation — affected by change and at the same time asked to play a crucial role… Read more
RIP (finally) to the blockchain hype
The blockchain hype starting in the late 2010s has nearly died, replaced by intense interest in AI and hurt by sketchy cryptocurrency and NFT schemes, some experts say. Gartner’s last hype cycle for blockchain, released in July 2024, had most blockchain-related technologies moving past the peak of inflated expectations and headed into the trough of… Read more
일문일답 | “제품 운영 모델로의 전환, 혁신 가속화했다”··· 모디브케어 CIO
모디브케어는 새로운 제품 운영 모델로 전환해 서비스 혁신 여정을 진행하고 있다. 제품 운영 모델이란 회사가 프로젝트가 아닌 제품이나 서비스를 중심으로 모든 활동을 조직하는 방식을 의미한다. 이런 변화를 통해 모디브케어와 CIO 제시카 크랄은 사내 프로세스에 대한 포괄적이고 공유된 관점을 구축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 이런 전환이 성장과 혁신을 위한 보다 전략적인 로드맵을 세우는 데 유용하다고 그는… Read more
“중국발 사이버 활동이 전방위 증가··· 능력도 고도화” 크라우드스트라이크
모든 산업 분야의 조직을 대상으로 한 중국의 사이버 스파이 활동이 전 세계적으로 크게 증가하고 있다는 경고다. 크라우드스트라이크의 연구진은 2024년 한 해 동안 전 세계적으로 중국 위협 행위자들의 침입이 평균 150% 증가했으며, 일부 부문에서는 2~3배 급증했다고 밝혔다. 연구진은 2024년에 중국에서 시작된 새로운 사이버 스파이 그룹 7개를 확인했으며, 이들 중 다수는 특화된 표적과 도구 세트를 사용한 것으로… Read more