Category: Uncategorized
This Machine Learning Research from Amazon Introduces a New Open-Source High-Fidelity Dataset for Automotive Aerodynamics
One of the most critical challenges in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and machine learning (ML) is that high-resolution, 3D datasets specifically designed for automotive aerodynamics are very hard to find in the public domain. Resources used often are of low fidelity, not to mention the conditions, making it impossible to create scalable and accurate ML… Read more
¿Qué frena las estrategias de IA de los CIO? Su propia curva de aprendizaje
Bajo presión para implementar la inteligencia artificial (IA) dentro de sus organizaciones, la mayoría de los CIO temen no tener el conocimiento que necesitan sobre una tecnología que cambia rápidamente. Tres de cada cinco CIO encuestados por Salesforce dicen que se espera que sepan más sobre IA de lo que saben, lo que potencialmente conduce a errores de implementación… Read more
Le tecnologie di frontiera del 2025: le previsioni degli analisti e la visione dei CIO
Se l’AI è la tecnologia del decennio, all’orizzonte si profila una rivoluzione tecnologica altrettanto dirompente: il calcolo quantistico. È una rivoluzione che sta arrivando con un percorso ribaltato rispetto ad altre storie di successo dell’IT, partendo dagli algoritmi, in attesa dell’hardware che ancora deve raggiungere il mass market. Ma i CIO più visionari già scrivono… Read more
CoordTok: A Scalable Video Tokenizer that Learns a Mapping from Co-ordinate-based Representations to the Corresponding Patches of Input Videos
Breaking down videos into smaller, meaningful parts for vision models remains challenging, particularly for long videos. Vision models rely on these smaller parts, called tokens, to process and understand video data, but creating these tokens efficiently is difficult. While recent tools achieve better video compression than older methods, they struggle to handle large video datasets… Read more
Deep Learning and Vocal Fold Analysis: The Role of the GIRAFE Dataset
Semantic segmentation of the glottal area from high-speed videoendoscopic (HSV) sequences presents a critical challenge in laryngeal imaging. The field faces a significant shortage of high-quality, annotated datasets for training robust segmentation models. Therefore, the development of automatic segmentation technologies is hindered by this limitation and the creation of diagnostic tools such as Facilitative Playbacks… Read more
Meet CoMERA: An Advanced Tensor Compression Framework Redefining AI Model Training with Speed and Precision
Training large-scale AI models such as transformers and language models have become an indispensable yet highly demanding process in AI. With billions of parameters, these models offer groundbreaking capabilities but come at a steep cost in terms of computational power, memory, and energy consumption. For example, OpenAI’s GPT-3 comprises 175 billion parameters and requires weeks… Read more
ITDM 2025 전망 | 금융 플랫폼 성패, 지속가능한 사업 가치 창출에 달렸다” KB국민카드 이호준 그룹장
인터넷 뱅킹과 모바일 뱅킹이 일상화되고 빅테크 기업이 금융업에 진출하면서 디지털 고객 경험이 핵심 경쟁력으로 부상했다. 특히 코로나19를 계기로 거의 모든 금융 서비스가 비대면으로 이용 가능하게끔 전환되었고, 이제 금융 기업의 IT 서비스는 단순한 대면 업무 디지털화를 넘어 혁신적인 금융 경험을 창출해야 하는 시기를 맞이하고 있다. KB국민카드는 이러한 변화를 선도하고자 플랫폼 기업으로의 전환을 선언하고 과감한 투자를 단행했다.… Read more
“고객경험 개선하고 비용은 절감, AI 기반까지 마련” · · · AIA생명의 CCM 프로젝트 사례
비즈니스를 차별화할 무기로 고객 경험(Customer Experience)에 주목하는 동향이 이어지고 있다. ‘고객 경험’이라는 개념이 처음 등장한 시기는 무려 2003년까지 거슬러 올라가지만, 본격적으로 각광받기 시작한 시기는 지난 팬데믹 시기와 맞물린다. 전 세계적으로 여러 비즈니스 접점이 디지털로 이동했기 때문이었다. 포레스터 보고서에 따르면, 전 세계 고객 경험을 담당하는 임원 수가 이 시기에 10배 이상 급증한 것으로 분석된다. 이러한 움직임은… Read more
CLDG: A Simple Machine Learning Framework that Sets New Benchmarks in Unsupervised Learning on Dynamic Graphs
Graph Neural Networks have emerged as a transformative force in many real-life applications, from corporate finance risk management to local traffic prediction. Thereby, there is no gainsaying that much research has been centered around GNNs for a long time. A significant limitation of the current study, however, is its data dependency—with a focus on supervised… Read more
Tencent Research Introduces DRT-o1: Two Variants DRT-o1-7B and DRT-o1-14B with Breakthrough in Neural Machine Translation for Literary Texts
Neural machine translation (NMT) is a sophisticated branch of natural language processing that automates text conversion between languages using machine learning models. Over the years, it has become an indispensable tool for global communication, with applications spanning diverse areas such as technical document translation and digital content localization. Despite its advancements in translating straightforward text,… Read more