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The future of data: A 5-pillar approach to modern data management
In today’s economy, as the saying goes, data is the new gold — a valuable asset from a financial standpoint. However, from a company’s existential perspective, there’s an even more fitting analogy. We are all familiar with the theory of evolution, where the Earth began as a rocky planet and eventually teemed with life. A…
Kyu’s Tiny Camera Only Captures 9-Second Videos
The handheld Kyu camera captures clips up to nine seconds in length and has space to hold only 27 videos at once. The strict limits are meant to bring “emotional consideration” to your digital memories.
Bluesky has an impersonator problem
Like many others, I recently fled social media platform X for Bluesky. In the process, I started following many of the people I followed on X. On Thanksgiving, I was delighted to see a private message from a fellow AI reporter, Will Knight from Wired. Or at least that’s who I thought I was talking…
LangBiTe, la herramienta que detecta prejuicios en desarrollos de IA
Los modelos de inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa como el popular chatbot de OpenAI, ChatGPT, se entrenan con una gran cantidad de datos que pueden inducir, consciente o inconscientemente, a diferentes sesgos dañinos o discriminatorios en sus respuestas. Investigadores de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) y de la Universidad de Luxemburgo han desarrollado LangBiTe, un programa de…
US Meat, Milk Prices Should Spike if Donald Trump Carries Out Mass Deportation Schemes
The US meat and dairy industries rely heavily on unauthorized workers, which means prices will likely rise sharply if the Trump administration actually enacts its plans.
Las 10 habilidades de TI empresariales más demandadas
El software y los servicios que una organización elija para impulsar su negocio pueden determinar el éxito general o el fracaso de éste. Y parte de ese éxito se debe a la inversión en profesionales de TI talentosos que tengan las habilidades necesarias para trabajar con las plataformas tecnológicas preferidas de su organización, desde la…
Cost, security, and flexibility: the business case for open source gen AI
Travel and expense management company Emburse saw multiple opportunities where it could benefit from gen AI. It could be used to improve the experience for individual users, for example, with smarter analysis of receipts, or help corporate clients by spotting instances of fraud. Take for example the simple job of reading a receipt and accurately…
Finding purpose at the intersection of tech and transport
Transport for New South Wales was first established in 2011, and since then, the culture of putting customers and communities at the center of everything, and partnering with operational agencies, private operators, and industry to deliver passenger focus services and projects, has been a constant. As a leading advocate, chief innovation and technology officer Kurt…
칼럼 | 이제는 수익을 고민할 때··· 생성형 AI의 비즈니스 가치를 높이는 팁 5가지
IT 리더는 생성형 AI 전략에의 투자를 늘리기 위해 현재의 AI 열풍을 이용할 수 있다. 하지만 가트너는 생성형 AI에 대한 부풀려진 기대가 이미 정점에 달해 ‘환멸 단계’가 머지않았다고 밝혔다. 그렇다고 해서 투자가 급격히 줄 것이라는 의미는 아니다. 워튼(Warton)의 생성형 AI 초기 연구 보고서에 따르면 기업의 72%는 생성형 AI 예산 증가세가 둔화하기까지 2~5년이 소요될 것이라고 예상했다. CIO가…
Blockchain Innovation Will Put an AI-Powered Internet Back Into Users’ Hands
In 2025, blockchain alternatives will offer more choice, open source innovation, and community-controlled options. They will carry the torch of the open internet.