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The 2025 Machine Learning Toolbox: Top Libraries and Tools for Practitioners
2024 was the year machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) went mainstream, affecting peoples’ lives in ways they never before could have.
Reencle Prime Review: A Sustainable Solution for Making Compost
This electric home composter turns kitchen scraps into valuable compost—if you’re willing to put up with some fuss.
Diez habilidades y rasgos de los líderes digitales de éxito
Ser un líder digital de éxito es un arte. Aunque todos los líderes deben dominar los objetivos empresariales y ayudar a sus organizaciones a mantener una ventaja competitiva, los líderes digitales deben equilibrar eso con un profundo conocimiento de las tecnologías en constante cambio y las capacidades necesarias para transformar e innovar. La mayoría de…
The evolution of IT optimization is AIOps
It could be said that the beginning of the IT optimization movement started with monitoring. The idea behind IT monitoring is that it determines how IT infrastructure and its underlying components perform in real time in order to make data-driven decisions for resource provisioning, IT security, or to evaluate usage trends. But monitoring was just…
That AI-restored Beatles song won Grammy for Best Rock Performance
Sean Lennon (pictured) accepted the Best Rock Performance Grammy award on behalf of The Beatles. The Beatles have won their eighth competitive Grammy award thanks to a little help from artificial intelligence. The 2023 track “Now and Then” — which Billboard reports is the first song knowingly created with AI assistance to earn a Grammy…
OpenAI’s new agent can compile detailed reports on practically any topic
OpenAI has launched a new agent capable of conducting complex, multi-step online research into everything from scientific research to personalized bike recommendations at what it claims is the same level as a human research analyst. The tool, called Deep Research, is powered by a version of OpenAI’s o3 reasoning model that’s been optimized for web…
Israel Devesa ficha como director general Digital de Grupo Aldesa
Israel Devesa Cuevas, hasta la fecha director de Sistemas de la Información y Tecnología de Capital Energy (CIO y CTO, por sus siglas en inglés), anuncia su salida de la energética. Tras tres años y cuatro meses en el cargo, el ingeniero informático de profesión ha puesto el punto y final a su etapa en…
These Robots Are Recovering Dumped Explosives From the Baltic Sea
In the face of seabeds becoming valuable real estate and corroding bombs polluting the oceans, teams are turning to technology to clean up this dangerous and expensive problem.
Banco Santander impulsa su digitalización con la experiencia de cliente como palanca
La digitalización ha conquistado terrenos, hace años, inconcebibles. El sector financiero, por ejemplo, altamente regulado, parecía resistirse a la adopción de las últimas novedades tecnológicas que presentaba la industria; sin embargo, en la actualidad, ha demostrado con creces que invertir en innovación no solo ha mejorado su operativa interna al eficientar procesos y abrir nuevas…
16 professional organizations for Black IT pros
Despite diversity being a much-discussed topic in the tech industry, representation for Black tech workers is still not where it needs to be, with African Americans holding just 7% of the positions and only 2% of tech executive roles, according to data from the 2022 Diversity in High Tech report published by the US Equal…