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Microsoft Researchers Release AIOpsLab: An Open-Source Comprehensive AI Framework for AIOps Agents
The increasing complexity of cloud computing has brought both opportunities and challenges. Enterprises now depend heavily on intricate cloud-based infrastructures to ensure their operations run smoothly. Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) and DevOps teams are tasked with managing fault detection, diagnosis, and mitigation—tasks that have become more demanding with the rise of microservices and serverless architectures.…
El papel del CIO en 2024: una retrospectiva del año en clave TI
2024 ha sido un año agitado en lo tecnológico. La inteligencia artificial generativa, junto con su hermana más tradicional, han vivido una época de efervescencia. El incidente del CrowdStrike ha servido para recordar la dependencia actual de la tecnología y cómo esta puede venirse abajo por una actualización mal ejecutada. También ha centrado el debate…
NOVA: A Novel Video Autoregressive Model Without Vector Quantization
Autoregressive LLMs are complex neural networks that generate coherent and contextually relevant text through sequential prediction. These LLms excel at handling large datasets and are very strong at translation, summarization, and conversational AI. However, achieving high quality in vision generation often comes at the cost of increased computational demands, especially for higher resolutions or longer…
6 Language Model Concepts Explained for Beginners
Understanding what’s happening behind large language models (LLMs) is essential in today’s machine learning landscape.
세일포인트 기고 | 2025년을 맞이하며… 머신 아이덴티티의 부상이 울리는 경종
많은 기업이 신기술이 야기하는 문제를 해결하기 위해 노력했지만, 여전히 자산을 안전하게 보호할 수 있는 사이버 보안 조치를 마련하는 데에는 미흡한 경우가 많았으며 사이버 공격 대응 계획의 부재는 사이버 보안 취약점을 더욱 늘렸다. 실제로 전 세계 사이버 범죄로 인한 피해액은 2025년 12조 달러에 달할 것으로 전망된다. 아시아 지역 소재 기업들이 디지털 전환 투자에 박차를 가하는 지금도…
ITDM 2025 전망 | “효율경영 시대의 핵심 동력 ‘데이터 조직’··· 내년도 활약 무대 더 커진다” 쏘카 김상우 본부장
이러한 맥락에서 최근 생성형 AI의 등장은 데이터 조직에 전례 없는 새로운 가능성을 제시하고 있다. 특히 내년에는 데이터 조직들에 두 가지의 큰 변화가 나타날 것으로 전망한다. 첫째, 데이터 조직의 역량이 본격적으로 검증되는 시기가 올 것이다. 수년 전만 해도 기업들은 딥러닝과 같은 새로운 기술을 도입하는 것만으로도 의미있는 성과라고 생각했지만, 이러한 기술들이 성숙기에 접어들면서 성공의 기준이 더욱 높아지고…
Researchers from ETH Zurich and UC Berkeley Introduce MaxInfoRL: A New Reinforcement Learning Framework for Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Exploration
Reinforcement Learning, despite its popularity in a variety of fields, faces some fundamental difficulties that refrain users from exploiting its full potential. To begin with, algorithms like PPO, which are widely used, suffer from the curse of sample inefficiency (the need for multiple episodes to learn basic actions). Moving on, Off-Policy methods like SAC and…
Mix-LN: A Hybrid Normalization Technique that Combines the Strengths of both Pre-Layer Normalization and Post-Layer Normalization
The Large Language Models (LLMs) are highly promising in Artificial Intelligence. However, despite training on large datasets covering various languages and topics, the ability to understand and generate text is sometimes overstated. LLM applications across multiple domains have proven to have little impact on improving human-computer interactions or creating innovative solutions. This is because the…
OpenAI Announces OpenAI o3: A Measured Advancement in AI Reasoning with 87.5% Score on Arc AGI Benchmarks
On December 20, OpenAI announced OpenAI o3, the latest model in its o-Model Reasoning Series. Building on its predecessors, o3 showcases advancements in mathematical and scientific reasoning, prompting discussions about its capabilities and constraints. This article takes a closer look at the insights and implications surrounding OpenAI o3, weaving in information from official announcements, expert…
Unintended consequences: U.S. election results herald reckless AI development
AI accelerationists have won as a consequence of the election, potentially sidelining those advocating for a more cautious approach.Read More