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24 Things That Made the World a Better Place in 2024
From childhood malaria vaccines to record-breaking solar panels to the discovery of a lost ancient city, this tumultuous year still had plenty of high points.
La preparación de los datos para la IA; una fantasía para los directivos, un gran reto de TI
Los directivos de las compañías pueden estar seguros de que los datos de sus organizaciones están listos para la inteligencia artificial (IA), pero los trabajadores de TI cuentan una historia muy diferente: la mayoría pasa horas cada día dándoles forma. Según una encuesta reciente de Capital One sobre la preparación para la IA, casi nueve de…
Retrospectiva 2024: he aquí las mejores entrevistas a CIO del año
En un contexto en el que la digitalización forma parte del ‘pan de cada día’, el rol del Chief Information Officer (CIO, por sus siglas en inglés) ha ganado un protagonismo incontestable en la escena empresarial. Se ha convertido así en un activo estratégico capaz de desempeñar un liderazgo crucial en el rumbo del negocio…
Unlocking value from data: How AI agents conquered 2024
In a recent survey, 82% of tech executives said they intend to integrate AI agents across their stacks within the next three years.Read More
Revolutionizing LLM Alignment: A Deep Dive into Direct Q-Function Optimization
Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences is an essential task in artificial intelligence research. However, current reinforcement learning (RL) methods face notable challenges. Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and similar techniques often demand extensive online sampling, which can lead to high computational costs and instability. Offline RL methods like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) avoid…
ByteDance Research Introduces 1.58-bit FLUX: A New AI Approach that Gets 99.5% of the Transformer Parameters Quantized to 1.58 bits
Vision Transformers (ViTs) have become a cornerstone in computer vision, offering strong performance and adaptability. However, their large size and computational demands create challenges, particularly for deployment on devices with limited resources. Models like FLUX Vision Transformers, with billions of parameters, require substantial storage and memory, making them impractical for many use cases. These limitations…
7 azioni chiave da intraprendere nel 2025 per un CIO sempre più autorevole
Nei prossimi 12 mesi i CIO hanno due grandi priorità: sviluppare un solido business case per la spesa in infrastruttura per l’intelligenza artificiale e aumentare la cybersicurezza e la resilienza. È quanto hanno indicato i top manager dell’IT nella ricerca “Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, Wave 3, March 2024” di IDC (rispettivamente con il…
US Treasury Department Admits It Got Hacked by China
Treasury says hackers accessed “certain unclassified documents” in a “major” breach, but experts believe the attack’s impacts could prove to be more significant as new details emerge.
Hugging Face Just Released SmolAgents: A Smol Library that Enables to Run Powerful AI Agents in a Few Lines of Code
Creating intelligent agents has traditionally been a complex task, often requiring significant technical expertise and time. Developers encounter challenges like integrating APIs, configuring environments, and managing dependencies—all of which can make building these systems both daunting and resource-intensive. Simplifying these processes is critical for democratizing AI development and expanding its accessibility. Hugging Face Introduces SmolAgents:…
AI, 마침내 중심에 서다··· 테크서베이 2025 IT 전망
비즈니스 깊숙이 접목된 디지털 기술로 인해 오늘날 I T 리더는 최고 운영 책임자에 필적하는 운영 부담을 진다. 완벽한 방어를 보장할 수 없는 오늘날의 보안 지형도 불확실성을 더하는 요소다. 안개 속 경제 상황과 글로벌 규제 변화는 말할 나위도 없겠다. CIO라는 한 명의 임원, IT 부문이라는 단일 부서가 맞서기에는 버거운 부담이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 IT 리더는 미래를 예측하고…