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2024: un año reseñable de avances para la salud digital en España
A lo largo de 2024 se han logrado avances muy significativos en Tecnologías de la Información y comunicaciones (TIC) para la salud en España. En términos generales podemos hablar de una aceleración importante de la incorporación de tecnologías avanzadas como la IA generativa, big data, la nube, IoMT, dispositivos llevables y las comunicaciones móviles 5G.…
Los mejores casos de éxito del 2024 constatan la alianza entre TI y negocio
La transformación digital ha formado parte inherente de las agendas de empresas, organizaciones e instituciones de diversa naturaleza y tipología. Sus beneficios han sido contrastados de manera empírica ayudando a la optimización de procesos internos, mejora de la satisfacción de empleados, usuarios y clientes y como catalizador en la obtención de los objetivos empresariales. He…
AutoSculpt: A Pattern-based Automated Pruning Framework Designed to Enhance Efficiency and Accuracy by Leveraging Graph Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning
Deploying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on edge devices, such as smartphones and autonomous vehicles, remains a significant challenge due to their computationally intensive nature. Most existing pruning algorithms struggle to balance high compression rates and inference accuracy and have to be compatible with commercial hardware—unstructured pruning yields irregular sparsity that often limits its usage in…
Researchers from MIT, Sakana AI, OpenAI and Swiss AI Lab IDSIA Propose a New Algorithm Called Automated Search for Artificial Life (ASAL) to Automate the Discovery of Artificial Life Using Vision-Language Foundation Models
Artificial Life (ALife) research explores the emergence of lifelike behaviors through computational simulations, providing a unique framework to study “life as it could be.” However, the field faces significant limitations: a reliance on manually crafted simulation rules and configurations. This process is time-intensive and constrained by human intuition, leaving many potential discoveries unexplored. Researchers often…
B-STAR: A Self-Taught AI Reasoning Framework for LLMs
A direct correlation exists between an LLM’s training corpus quality and its capabilities. Consequently, researchers have invested a great deal of effort into curating extensive, high-quality datasets, which, at present, are achievable with craftful human annotations. Man-made datasets, however, have one downside: their reliance becomes increasingly unsustainable as complexity grows. Many methods have been worked…
2025 전망 | 고성능 저전력 서버 시대의 시작: ARM 서버가 데이터센터에 가져올 변화
챗GPT의 아버지 샘 올트먼 오픈AI CEO는 “AI는 예상을 뛰어넘는 전력을 소모할 것”이라고 경고했으며, 빌 게이츠 마이크로소프트(MS) 창업자도 “AI 데이터센터의 수익성을 결정하는 핵심 요소는 전력이 될 것”이라며 전력 관리의 중요성을 강조한 바 있다. 이러한 지적이 그저 AI 인프라에만 해당되는 것일까? 사실 전력 소모 문제는 모든 데이터센터에서 발생하고 있으며, 앞으로 결코 간과해서는 안 되는 절실한 문제라는 것을…
ITDM 2025 전망 | “시공 넘어 사용자의 디지털 공간 경험 설계까지··· 건설사 플랫폼 비즈니스 통한 혁신 본격화될 것” 삼성물산 조혜정 부사장
건설사 대다수는 시공 관리, 설계 관리, 견적 관리 등에서 데이터 기반의 디지털 업무 프로세스를 도입하며 활발한 디지털화를 추진해 왔다. 주로 내부 임직원을 위한 디지털 프로젝트로 기존 핵심 사업의 생산성과 효율성을 높이고 수익을 극대화하는 데 초점이 맞춰져 있다. 삼성물산도 오랜 기간 디지털 혁신을 추진해왔으나 최근 전통적 DX에서 한 발 더 진화된 전략을 선보이고 있다. 바로 ‘플랫폼’을…
Despite intense AI arms race, we’re in for a multi-modal future
There will be no single model that will rule the universe, neither next year nor next decade. Instead, the future of AI will be multi-model. Read More
Advancing Parallel Programming with HPC-INSTRUCT: Optimizing Code LLMs for High-Performance Computing
LLMs have revolutionized software development by automating coding tasks and bridging the natural language and programming gap. While highly effective for general-purpose programming, they struggle with specialized domains like High-Performance Computing (HPC), particularly in generating parallel code. This limitation arises from the scarcity of high-quality parallel code data in pre-training datasets and the inherent complexity…
This AI Paper Introduces XMODE: An Explainable Multi-Modal Data Exploration System Powered by LLMs for Enhanced Accuracy and Efficiency
Researchers are focusing increasingly on creating systems that can handle multi-modal data exploration, which combines structured and unstructured data. This involves analyzing text, images, videos, and databases to answer complex queries. These capabilities are crucial in healthcare, where medical professionals interact with patient records, medical imaging, and textual reports. Similarly, multi-modal exploration helps interpret databases…