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Deep Learning Approach for Lithium-Ion Battery Life Prediction via Dual-Stream Vision Transformer
Predicting battery lifespan is difficult due to the nonlinear nature of capacity degradation and the uncertainty of operating conditions. As battery lifespan prediction is vital for the reliability and safety of systems like electric vehicles and energy storage, there is a growing need for advanced methods to provide precise estimations of both current cycle life…
Microsoft Research Evaluates the Inconsistencies and Sensitivities of GPT-4 in Performing Deterministic Tasks: Analyzing the Impact of Minor Modifications on AI Performance
Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have become a significant focus in artificial intelligence due to their ability to handle various tasks, from generating text to solving complex mathematical problems. These models have demonstrated capabilities far beyond their original design, mainly to predict the next word in a sequence. While their utility spans numerous industries,…
Cuando las nuevas aplicaciones reducen la productividad de los trabajadores
Los últimos años han traído cientos de nuevas aplicaciones, como videoconferencias modernas, rastreadores de tareas y asistentes de inteligencia artificial (IA), pero algunos líderes de TI no han visto los aumentos de productividad de los empleados que esperaban. Muchas aplicaciones y plataformas han prometido aumentos de productividad, y algunas los han cumplido, pero una nueva…
Apple Watch Series 10 Review: Sleep Apnea Notifications and a Bigger Display
The absence of a blood oxygen sensor is a huge ding. But the Apple Watch still does everything else, and looks hella good doing it.
5 Best Sunrise Alarm Clocks (2024), Tested and Reviewed
If you want to wake up with the sun but aren’t a morning person, these bedside devices can simulate a sunrise whenever you want to rouse for the day (and a sunset, too).
Brompton Electric G Line Review: Stupid Amounts of Fun
Thrills and spills from a fold-up bike? We couldn’t believe it either.
Errores que dificultan la contratación de personal informático
La contratación de personal TI es difícil. Para empezar, el desempleo relativamente bajo en el sector implica más competencia entre las empresas en general que buscan contratar. Además, las tasas de desempleo de los trabajadores de TI suelen ser aún más bajas. Sin embargo, los directores de Sistemas de Información y sus equipos de contratación…
Digital portfolio spells trouble for new European Commission
Just as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was preparing to present her new team, there is trouble over the line-up for Commission posts: The European Union’s current Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, Thierry Breton, has unexpectedly submitted his resignation. In his resignation letter, which the Frenchman posted on X, Breton justified…
The IT sector is bringing down Europe all on its own
On Monday of last week, former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi presented his “long-awaited” report on the EU’s competitiveness, which the Commission tapped him to produce a year ago. The report will form the basis of the policy work going forward for the new commission that will soon take office. I put long-awaited in quotation marks…
When new apps lead to lower worker productivity
Recent years have brought hundreds of new applications, including modern videoconferencing, task trackers, and AI assistants, but some IT leaders haven’t seen the employee productivity gains they expected. Many apps and platforms have promised productivity gains, and some have delivered, but a new productivity paradox — in which employee productivity doesn’t match the rapid advancement…