Author: Hunter
From COBOL to chaos: Elon Musk, DOGE, and the Evil Housekeeper Problem
In trying to make sense of the wrecking ball that is Elon Musk and President Trump’s DOGE, it may be helpful to think about the Evil Housekeeper Problem. It’s a principle of computer security roughly stating that once someone is in your hotel room with your laptop, all bets are off. Because the intruder has… Read more
How the tiny microbes in your mouth could be putting your health at risk
This article first appeared in The Checkup, MIT Technology Review’s weekly biotech newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Thursday, and read articles like this first, sign up here. This week I’ve been working on a piece about teeth. Well, sort of teeth. Specifically, lab-grown bioengineered teeth. Researchers have created these teeth with a mixture of human… Read more
Does it matter how we brand IT, or are bigger questions afoot?
Recently, there’s been a flurry of LinkedIn activity in response to an article by IT Brew reporter Brianna Monsanto about the value of an IT department name change. The general conclusion from the article, and ensuing discussion, is that while changing IT’s name can be a good move, it’s merely a branding element in what… Read more
Iberdrola y AWS estrechan lazos: de la compra de energía verde a la nube
Iberdrola ha ampliado el acuerdo de colaboración que mantenía con el gigante tecnológico Amazon Web Services (AWS) haciendo hincapié en el mercado de Iberia. Así, la energética española ha suscrito una nueva alianza que añade 476 megavatios (MW) a los contratos de compra de energía renovable que ya tienen ambas empresas en Estados Unidos, Alemania… Read more
Microsoft Edge now has an AI-powered scareware blocker
Microsoft has started rolling out a new scareware blocker in its Edge browser this week. The AI-powered feature runs on Windows PCs and can identify and block existing scams, and even detect new and emerging ones thanks to a local machine learning model. “Scareware blocker adds a new, first line of defense to help protect… Read more
Honeywell transforms with gen AI
Having spent years transforming into a fully data-driven enterprise, American conglomerate Honeywell is now poised to leverage gen AI across every facet of its business to drive improved productivity, collaboration, and innovation. The Fortune 500 company, which primarily operates in aerospace, building automation, industrial automation, and energy and sustainability solutions, uses Microsoft 365 Copilot to… Read more
Meta has an AI for brain typing, but it’s stuck in the lab
Back in 2017, Facebook unveiled plans for a brain-reading hat that you could use to text just by thinking. “We’re working on a system that will let you type straight from your brain,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared in a post that year. Now the company, since renamed Meta, has actually done it. Except it weighs… Read more
Acer’s new Predator Helios Neo gaming laptops offer RTX 5070 Ti GPUs and lots of ports
The chunky laptops have ports and RGB lighting a-plenty. Nvidia’s RTX 5090 and 5080 desktop GPUs sort of launched last month, but on the laptop front, we’re still awaiting the avalanche of 50-series notebooks to come crashing in, starting with these hefty new mid-rangers from Acer. The (deep breath) Predator Helios Neo 16 AI and… Read more
Repsol impulsa su estrategia digital con la incorporación de agentes de IA
Repsol ha anunciado la ampliación del acuerdo de colaboración suscrito con Accenture con el fin de continuar avanzando hacia los objetivos de su Programa Digital. Con ello, la energética española ambiciona acelerar el uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa en la organización; para ello, introducirá y desplegará nuevos sistemas de agentes de IA. Esta… Read more
“개발자는 제다이, 코파일럿은 파다완”··· 깃허브, 스스로 코드 개선하는 AI 에이전트 공개
‘에이전트 모드’로 제공되는 AI 기능은 단순히 코드를 제공하는 것을 넘어 스스로 문제를 찾고 해결하며 코드를 개선한다. 핵심 특징은 크게 세 가지다. 첫째, 자체적인 코드 반복 개선 능력이다. 코파일럿은 자신이 생성한 코드를 스스로 검토하고 수정할 수 있다. 둘째, 터미널 명령어 제안 및 실행 기능이다. 개발 환경 설정이나 필요한 패키지 설치 등을 자동으로 처리할 수 있다. 셋째,… Read more