Author: Hunter
TotalEnergies optimiza la gestión global de sus activos con una única plataforma
TotalEnergies da un paso adelante en su estrategia de transformación digital. En concreto, la compañía energética global integrada ha confiado a IFS, el proveedor especializado en software empresarial en la nube y de inteligencia artificial (IA) industrial, la gestión global de sus activos. Según se ha dado a conocer, la energética ha elegido IFS Cloud… Read more
CIOs are bullish on AI agents. IT employees? Not so much.
Most CIOs and CTOs are bullish on agentic AI, believing the emerging technology will soon become essential to their enterprises, but lower-level IT pros who will be tasked with implementing agents have serious doubts. While 53% of tech execs see AI agents being core to business operations in the next two years, only 29% of… Read more
D-Marin transforma su escenario digital con Microsoft Dynamics 365
La compañía especializada en la gestión de puertos deportivos, D-Marin, se apoya en el experto en Microsoft, Avanade, para el despliegue e implantación de Microsoft Dynamics 365. Esta colaboración estratégica ha transformado la infraestructura informática de D-Marin, mejorado significativamente la experiencia del cliente y optimizado la eficiencia operativa en sus 25 puertos deportivos situados en… Read more
Lovehoney Fifty Shades of Grey Greedy Girl Rabbit Vibrator Review: Basic Vibes
You can do better than this powerful and basic rabbit vibrator. Read more
When digital literacy fails, IT gets the blame
In 2022, McKinsey published a report called, “The data-driven enterprise of 2025.” The report highlighted seven key characteristics of successfully data-driven companies, each of which lands firmly on the desks of CIOs, who are expected to provide leadership for the data-driven enterprise. These include: Data embedded in every decision and process Data processed and delivered… Read more
칼럼 | 서툰 목수의 연장 탓 막아라···· CIO가 ‘데이터·디지털 리터러시’에 주목할 이유
2022년, 맥킨지는 ‘2025년 데이터 드리븐 기업’이라는 보고서를 발표했다. 이 보고서는 성공적인 데이터 주도적 기업의 7가지 핵심 특징을 강조했다. 다음의 특징 모두는 데이터 기반 기업을 이끌어야 하는 CIO의 뇌리에 단단히 뿌리내릴 만한 것들이었다. • 모든 결정과 프로세스에 내장된 데이터• 실시간으로 처리되고 전달되는 데이터• 사용 가능하고 통합된 데이터• 전용 데이터 제품 팀• 최고 데이터 책임자(CDO) 역할의 확대•… Read more
Automated Feature Engineering in PyCaret
Automated feature engineering in Read more
How the Rubin Observatory will help us understand dark matter and dark energy
MIT Technology Review Explains: Let our writers untangle the complex, messy world of technology to help you understand what’s coming next. You can read more from the series here. We can put a good figure on how much we know about the universe: 5%. That’s how much of what’s floating about in the cosmos is… Read more
Three things to know as the dust settles from DeepSeek
This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get stories like this in your inbox first, sign up here. The launch of a single new AI model does not normally cause much of a stir outside tech circles, nor does it typically spook investors enough to wipe out $1 trillion in… Read more
¿Está pensando en dejar VMware? Gartner calcula el coste de la migración a gran escala
La adquisición de VMware por parte de Broadcom, por 61.000 millones de dólares, causó un gran revuelo en el sector tecnológico y sigue llevando a los clientes de VMware a considerar alternativas. Sin embargo, los nuevos datos de la empresa de investigación Gartner podrían hacer reflexionar a los líderes de TI, ya que los analistas… Read more