Author: Hunter
How to install Perplexity AI’s app on Linux (I found an easier way)
If the Perplexity answer app has become your default research tool – and why shouldn’t it be!? – here’s how to include it on your Linux desktops. Read more
I mapped my iPhone’s Control Button to ChatGPT – here are 5 ways I use it everyday
I haven’t used Siri once since the switch. Read more
14 cuestiones que quitan el sueño a los líderes de TI
Hoy en día, los CIO tienen muchos motivos para preocuparse: desde las antiguas preocupaciones sobre el tiempo de actividad y la disponibilidad hasta la revolución cuántica que se avecina. Por supuesto, también hay muchos otros problemas que preocupan a los CIO en este momento. Por eso, les preguntamos a varios líderes de TI: ¿Qué es… Read more
Will the US cloud soon be illegal in the EU?
Since the Edward Snowden leaks in 2013, it has been known that the US is spying on users from the European Union by monitoring personal data from big US tech companies. The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), the main US supervisory authority for these laws, is central to assessing data protection in the US. However, reports suggest that PCLOB… Read more
BBVA prevé alcanzar cerca de 20.000 empleados ‘tech’ en 2025
El profundo impacto que la digitalización ha causado en el sector bancario y finanzas en los últimos años es incontestable. Un claro ejemplo de su éxito es visible en BBVA. Y es que la entidad bancaria ha hecho de la transformación digital una de las piedras angulares de su estrategia desde hace más de una… Read more
UAE leads healthcare revolution with cutting-edge AI and technology
In a groundbreaking move, the UAE is set to redefine the healthcare landscape, blending cutting-edge technology with medical innovation. A series of high-impact initiatives, fueled by the collaboration between government entities and private healthcare providers, are ushering in a new era for healthcare in the region. These initiatives focus on harnessing the power of Artificial… Read more
Quantifying Knowledge Transfer: Evaluating Distillation in Large Language Models
Knowledge distillation, a crucial technique in artificial intelligence for transferring knowledge from large language models (LLMs) to smaller, resource-efficient ones, faces several significant challenges that limit its utility. Over-distillation tends to cause homogenization, in which student models over-imitate teacher models and lose diversity and the capacity to solve novel or challenging tasks. Also, the non-transparent… Read more
Test-Time Preference Optimization: A Novel AI Framework that Optimizes LLM Outputs During Inference with an Iterative Textual Reward Policy
Large Language Models (LLMs) have become an indispensable part of contemporary life, shaping the future of nearly every conceivable domain. They are widely acknowledged for their impressive performance across tasks of varying complexity. However, instances have arisen where LLMs have been criticized for generating unexpected and unsafe responses. Consequently, ongoing research aims to align LLMs… Read more
Leveraging Hallucinations in Large Language Models to Enhance Drug Discovery
Researchers have highlighted concerns regarding hallucinations in LLMs due to their generation of plausible but inaccurate or unrelated content. However, these hallucinations hold potential in creativity-driven fields like drug discovery, where innovation is essential. LLMs have been widely applied in scientific domains, such as materials science, biology, and chemistry, aiding tasks like molecular description and… Read more
3 esempi che dimostrano come il CIO stia diventando un architetto dell’innovazione
Il CIO ha le potenzialità per modernizzare non solo l’IT, ma l’intera organizzazione, spezzando i silos tra le varie funzioni e diventando un architetto di innovazione a tutto campo, ovvero un manager che abbraccia con le sue conoscenze e strategie tutta l’azienda, i suoi processi e le risorse umane. Almeno nella metà delle imprese questa… Read more