Author: Hunter
How to Pay Your Taxes Online
Paying US federal and state taxes online can be confusing, and one wrong move can result in penalties or extra money owed. We break it down so you can have the most worry-free tax filing possible. Read more
What’s next for nuclear power
MIT Technology Review’s What’s Next series looks across industries, trends, and technologies to give you a first look at the future. You can read the rest of them here. While nuclear reactors have been generating power around the world for over 70 years, the current moment is one of potentially radical transformation for the technology. As… Read more
El punto y final de Enrique Blanco como CTIO de Telefónica: una trayectoria honorable
“Una vida dedicada a construir el futuro”. Con esas palabras José María Álvarez-Pallete, presidente de Telefónica, agradecía a Enrique Blanco, director de Tecnología e Información (CTIO), sus años de servicio al frente de la operadora. Y es que, tras cuatro décadas como miembro distinguido de la plantilla de Telefónica, Blanco pone el punto y final… Read more
A Spymaster Sheikh Controls a $1.5 Trillion Fortune. He Wants to Use It to Dominate AI
Tahnoun bin Zayed al Nahyan—the UAE’s chess-obsessed, jiujitsu-loving intelligence chief—controls vast sums of sovereign wealth. America’s AI giants are scrambling for a piece of it. Read more
Like Roborock, Dreame is also working on a mechanical arm for its robot vacuums
The Dreame robot vacuum with a mechanical arm works differently than Roborock’s, but it can do more than the competition. There’s only one problem. Read more
Here’s our forecast for AI this year
This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get stories like this in your inbox first, sign up here. In December, our small but mighty AI reporting team was asked by our editors to make a prediction: What’s coming next for AI? In 2024, AI contributed both to Nobel Prize–winning… Read more
10 AI strategy questions every CIO must answer
The world plunged headfirst into the AI revolution. Now many are admitting they weren’t quite ready. The 2024 Board of Directors Survey from Gartner, for example, found that 80% of non-executive directors believe their current board practices and structures are inadequate to effectively oversee AI. The 2024 Enterprise AI Readiness Radar report from Infosys, a… Read more
Cinco predicciones sobre las tendencias tecnológicas emergentes de 2025
Si haces clic en la pantalla del ordenador o ves el último telediario, es muy probable que escuches alguna mención a la inteligencia artificial (IA). Está claro que la IA sigue estando presente hoy en día, como lo ha estado durante los últimos años. A algunos consumidores (y también a las empresas) puede parecerles que… Read more
Red Hat bets big on AI with its Neural Magic acquisition
Everyone and their dog is getting into AI, but Red Hat has serious plans, and acquiring Neural Magic will help bring them to fruition. Read more
칼럼 | 데이터 분석가가 바라본 2025년 기술 전망 5가지
TV나 뉴스를 시청하면 AI 관련 소식을 접하지 않기가 힘들 정도다. 지난 수년간 AI는 우리 삶의 핵심 화두로 자리잡았다. 일부에서는 기업들이 AI의 중요성을 과대평가한다고 우려하지만, AI는 앞으로 글로벌 기술의 미래와 소비자 상호작용, 기업 운영 방식을 근본적으로 변화시킬 것이다. 월마트(Walmart)에서 최고 데이터 책임자와 데이터 분석 책임자를 지낸 필자는 현재 글로벌 신용정보 및 데이터 분석 기업 트랜스유니온(TransUnion)에서 최고… Read more