Author: Hunter
Los CIO están replanteándose cómo utilizan los servicios de nube pública
En los últimos años, las empresas se han esforzado por trasladar la mayor cantidad posible de recursos lo más rápido posible a la nube pública para minimizar los gastos de capital y ahorrar dinero. Sin embargo, cada vez más, los CIO están revisando y racionalizando dichas inversiones. ¿Están realmente mejorando la productividad y reduciendo los… Read more
Cohere just launched ‘North’, its biggest AI bet yet for privacy-focused enterprises
Cohere launches North, a secure enterprise AI platform outperforming Microsoft Copilot and Google Vertex AI in testing, with Royal Bank of Canada among early adopters implementing the technology for regulated industries.Read More Read more
The School Shootings Were Fake. The Terror Was Real
The inside story of the teenager whose “swatting” calls sent armed police racing into hundreds of schools nationwide—and the private detective who tracked him down. Read more
Is prompt engineering a ‘fad’ hindering AI progress?
A principal scientist at Google DeepMind thinks prompting is the wrong user interface for generative AI, not to mention bad for AI researchers. Here’s why. Read more
A New York legislator wants to pick up the pieces of the dead California AI bill
The first Democrat in New York history with a computer science background wants to revive some of the ideas behind the failed California AI safety bill, SB 1047, with a new version in his state that would regulate the most advanced AI models. It’s called the RAISE Act, an acronym for “Responsible AI Safety and… Read more
Chief data officers step into the business strategist spotlight
With data central to every aspect of business, the chief data officer has become a highly strategic executive. Today’s CDO is focused on helping the organization leverage data as a business asset to drive outcomes. This includes developing a data-driven culture where data and analytics are integrated into all functions and all employees understand the… Read more
Estas son las prioridades de inversión en ‘tech’ para 2025
La inversión en TI está experimentando un interesante incremento. Las previsiones de la firma de análisis Gartner apuntan a un crecimiento en Europa del dinero destinado por las organizaciones a esta partida del 8,7% en 2025. Se alcanzarán los 1,28 billones de dólares, con los servicios TI centralizando la inversión: 489.767 millones de dólares se… Read more
Worst leadership advice you’ve ever received
At some point in your career, you’ve been given bad advice. It’s usually well meaning. But maybe it is dated or exposes a problematic world view in the advice-giver that you’d be better off not emulating. Even bad advice can be a good teacher, though. Teradyne CIO Shannon Gath told CIO in a Leadership Live… Read more
I controlled things at CES by pointing at them
The Lotus gives you Jedi powers, sort of. Read more
H&R Block Coupons and Deals: 15% Off Tax Prep in 2025
When you do your own taxes with the help of H&R Block software (or a human, if you need it), you can get 15% off. Read more