Author: Hunter
10 More of the Coolest Things We’ve Seen at CES 2025
More of the wild ideas and clever innovations we’re seeing this week at tech’s big show in Las Vegas. Read more
Your CEO has little idea who IT is or what IT does
IT may be central to modern existence, but the people and processes of IT remain a mystery to most business executives and colleagues. It’s time to change this. I asked a group of business executives to take out a blank sheet of paper, draw a big circle, and label it “IT People and Processes.” I… Read more
Extremadura testa el piloto con el que agilizar y proteger las intervenciones de emergencia del 112
La tecnología vuelve a ponerse al servicio de la sociedad de la mano de Telefónica. Y es que la operadora, en colaboración con 112 Extremadura, ha puesto en marcha en modo piloto un servicio basado en las nuevas tecnologías para agilizar, facilitar y hacer más fiables las intervenciones de emergencia. Gracias a la reserva de… Read more
Correcting Genetic Spelling Errors With Next-Generation Crispr
Treatments for rare diseases are hard to create and expensive to deliver, but there is new hope for editing the software of the genome. Read more
Digital transformation 2025: What’s in, what’s out
Some argue gen AI’s emergence has rendered “digital transformation” passé. AI transformation is the term for them. Others suggest everything should be called “business transformation” — or just “transformation” for short. What terminology should you use? The one that drives the greatest call to action from your board, executives, and employees — because maintaining the… Read more
AI redefines customer centricity, beyond language, region for IndiaMART: Nikhil Prabhakar
In a short span of 28 years, IndiaMART has emerged as India’s chosen B2B marketplace and has increased ease of business while simultaneously creating a connected marketplace for all buyers and suppliers across the country. With a renewed focus on micro, small and medium enterprises, the company has now oriented towards digital inclusion through their… Read more
How optimistic are you about AI’s future?
This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get stories like this in your inbox first, sign up here. The start of a new year, and maybe especially this one, feels like a good time for a gut check: How optimistic are you feeling about the future of technology? Our… Read more
What’s next for our privacy?
MIT Technology Review’s What’s Next series looks across industries, trends, and technologies to give you a first look at the future. You can read the rest of them here. Every day, we are tracked hundreds or even thousands of times across the digital world. Cookies and web trackers capture every website link that we click,… Read more
2025년 CISO가 주목해야 할 12가지 사이버 보안 과제
사이버 위협이 계속 진화하면서 CISO들은 점점 더 복잡해지는 위협 환경에 대비해야 한다. AI 기반 공격부터 변화하는 규제 요구사항에 이르기까지, 2025년은 CISO에게 또 다른 도전의 해가 될 전망이다. 앞서 나가기 위해서는 최첨단 도구 또는 신기술을 도입 그 이상이 필요하다. 이제 사이버보안을 단순한 기술적 기능이 아니라 비즈니스 회복력을 강화하는 전략적 수단으로 바라보는 사고방식의 전환이 필요하다. 2025년을 대비하기… Read more
AI agents will change work forever. Here’s how to embrace that transformation
In a machine-led economy, business leaders must focus on what matters most – designing and cultivating healthy and sustainable relationships. Read more