Category: Uncategorized
Transforming distribution: How Ingram Micro is becoming a platform business
How and why is Ingram Micro becoming a platform business? Our history is rooted in a traditional distribution model of marketing, selling, and shipping vendor products to our resellers. But today, we’re working toward becoming a platform business, and recently re-entered the public eye under the NYSE: INGM ticker symbol. Many digital transformations focus on… Read more
How resilient CIOs future-proof to mitigate risks
This year saw emerging risks posed by AI, disastrous outages like the CrowdStrike incident, and surmounting software supply chain frailties, as well as the risk of cyberattacks and quantum computing breaking today’s most advanced encryption algorithms. In today’s uncertain climate, all businesses, regardless of size, are prone to disruption. “Over the past year, the focus… Read more
The Edgelord AI That Seduced Marc Andreessen, Then Turned a Famed Shock Meme Into Cryptomillions
Truth Terminal started as a techno-modernist art project meant to invite discussion about the applications and potential dangers of autonomous AI agents. Then it took on a life of its own. Read more
How to use Apple’s Genmoji to create your own custom emoji
With Apple Intelligence, you can use AI to craft emojis based on your description. Read more
Cinco casos de uso ‘top’ de modelos de lenguaje pequeños
Desde que ChatGPT llegó a finales de 2022, los grandes modelos de lenguaje (LLM) han seguido elevando el nivel de lo que pueden lograr los sistemas de IA generativa. Por ejemplo, GPT-3.5, que impulsó ChatGPT, tuvo una precisión del 85,5% en conjuntos de datos de razonamiento de sentido común, mientras que GPT-4, en 2023, logró una precisión de… Read more
Kazakhstan’s Carpet CCTV: Transforming public safety through innovation
In a world where technology increasingly shapes how cities manage safety and security, Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs is leading the way with its groundbreaking “Carpet CCTV” project. This ambitious initiative has revolutionized public safety by combining a massive surveillance network with advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, creating a system that shifts the focus from… Read more
AI is changing how we study bird migration
A small songbird soars above Ithaca, New York, on a September night. He is one of 4 billion birds, a great annual river of feathered migration across North America. Midair, he lets out what ornithologists call a nocturnal flight call to communicate with his flock. It’s the briefest of signals, barely 50 milliseconds long, emitted… Read more
Generative AI and Climate Change Are on a Collision Course
From energy to resources, data centers have grown too greedy. Read more
Iberdrola se alza con el premio al Mejor Proyecto de Transformación del Puesto de Trabajo en los ‘CIO 100 Awards’
La digitalización ha traído consigo nuevas formas de trabajo bajo el propósito de ganar en productividad, facilitar la conciliación de las plantillas o evolucionar la operativa de negocio a partir de metodologías ágiles. Muestra de ello, la iniciativa InWoW –Iberdrola new ways of working-, reconocida en el marco de los CIO 100 Awards Spain 2024… Read more
Arm PC 반품률과 CEO로서의 자세
인텔의 임시 공동 CEO인 미셸 존스턴 홀트하우스는 소매 업계에서 Arm PC를 반품하는 비율이 높은 현상이 나타나고 있다고 주장했다. 다분히 경쟁 프로세서 아키텍처를 의식한 발언으로 풀이된다. 지난주 말 바클레이의 연례 기술 컨퍼런스에서 홀트하우스는 “판매 업체와 Arm PC의 반품률에 대해 이야기해보면, 그들이 가장 우려하는 현실을 확인할 수 있다. ‘[작동할 것으로] 기대했던 것들이 작동하지 않는다’라는 이유로 반품이 많이… Read more