Category: Uncategorized
Manuel Ávalos (Cognizant): “Las TI se encuentran en el ‘core’ de la estrategia empresarial”
Reconocer la labor del CIO. Ésta es la razón por la que Cognizant patrocina, por tercer año consecutivo, los CIO 100 Awards Spain, organizados por IDC y la publicación CIO ESPAÑA (de Foundry), “unos galardones muy reconocidos en el mercado nacional”, según el CEO de la compañía para España, Portugal e Italia, Manuel Ávalos. Y… Read more
Will Even the Most Advanced Subs Have Nowhere to Hide?
The modern race to build undetectable submarines dates from the 1960s. In that decade, the United States and the Soviet Union began a game of maritime hide-and-seek, deploying ever-quieter submarines as well as more advanced tracking and detection capabilities to spot their adversary’s vessels. That game continues to this day but with a wider field… Read more
8 reasons why digital transformations still fail
You would think IT leaders would have the whole digital transformation mandate down to a science by now, given that organizations have been deploying initiatives for several years. But you’d be wrong. Many of the issues organizations have faced as they implement new processes continue to plague them. “The easy things have been done and… Read more
ING se alza como ganador del Premio a la Empresa del Año en los ‘CIO 100 Awards’
Desde el inicio de sus operaciones en España hace 25 años, ING ha integrado la tecnología de manera orgánica en la toma de decisiones, uniendo TI y negocio para impulsar los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa. Es esta trayectoria la que le ha valido a la institución financiera el Premio a la Empresa del Año… Read more
The dirty work of IT leadership: Dealing with malfeasance
Leadership is, for the most part, gratifying. Whether it’s from building a high-performance organization, or turning one around; helping a promising employee develop, or accomplishing something your industry peers can only wish they’d achieved — succeeding in a leadership role provides a rush like no other. But there’s another side of leadership. No, not having… Read more
칼럼 | 좋은 게 늘 좋지는 않다 · · · 사례로 보는 ‘부정 행위’에의 대처법
리더로서의 직무는 대개 힘들지만 보람차다. 높은 성과를 내는 조직을 구축하거나 조직의 변화를 이끄는 것, 유망한 직원의 성장을 돕는 것, 업계 동료들이 소망하는 것을 성취하는 것 등 리더십 역할을 성공적으로 수행하면 큰 희열을 느낄 수 있다. 하지만 리더십에는 부정적인 측면도 있다. 성과가 낮은 직원과의 씨름은 아니다. 리더는 저성과자가 성공할 수 있도록 안내할 수 있으며, 이는 그… Read more
Google’s big week was a flex for the power of big tech
Last week, this space was all about OpenAI’s 12 days of shipmas. This week, the spotlight is on Google, which has been speeding toward the holiday by shipping or announcing its own flurry of products and updates. The combination of stuff here is pretty monumental, not just for a single company, but I think because… Read more
How to Quickly Deploy Machine Learning Models with Streamlit
This article will navigate you through the deployment of a simple machine learning (ML) for regression using Streamlit. Read more
Big Tech Will Scour the Globe in Its Search for Cheap Energy
Warehouses full of servers are hungry for power, no matter who supplies it. Read more
La Consejería de Salud de Cantabria, galardonada en los ‘CIO 100 Awards’ como Administración Pública del Año
La Consejería de Salud de Cantabria ha sido reconocida como Administración Pública del Año en el marco de la celebración de los CIO 100 Awards Spain 2024. Rocío Montalbán, subdirectora general de Transformación Digital y Relaciones con los Usuarios del Servicio Cántabro de Salud, ha sido la encargada de recoger el galardón concedido por su… Read more