Category: Uncategorized
Africa’s AI researchers are ready for takeoff
This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get stories like this in your inbox first, sign up here. When we talk about the global race for AI dominance, the conversation often focuses on tensions between the US and China, and European efforts at regulating the technology. But it’s high… Read more
Generative AI taught a robot dog to scramble around a new environment
Teaching robots to navigate new environments is tough. You can train them on physical, real-world data taken from recordings made by humans, but that’s scarce, and expensive to collect. Digital simulations are a rapid, scalable way to teach them to do new things, but the robots often fail when they’re pulled out of virtual worlds… Read more
‘파악하기 어려워지는 보안 침해 원인’··· 현직 전문가가 밝힌 이유 7가지
파운드리의 2024년 보안 우선순위 연구에 따르면 보안 책임자의 3분의 1이 지난 12개월 동안 발생한 데이터 보안 사고의 원인을 파악하지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 기업의 4분의 3이 보안 기술 스택을 이해하기가 점점 더 복잡해지고 있다고 응답했다. 침해 사고 이후 운영 개선 과정에서 보안팀이 직면한 과제를 보여주는 주요 통계다. 보안 침해 사고의 원인 파악이 어려워지는 데에는 복합적인… Read more
AI 투자 급증한다··· “2028년까지 두 배로 증가”
AI 프로젝트 다수의 ROI가 아직 불확실한 와중에도, 분명한 것이 하나 있다. 앞으로 몇 년 동안 CIO가 이 기술에 훨씬 더 많은 비용을 지출할 것이라는 점이다. 리서치 기관 IDC는 AI 전략에 대한 기술 지출이 2025년 전 세계적으로 3,370억 달러에 달하고 2028년에는 두 배 이상 증가한 7,490억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상했다. 거의 모든 업종의 IT 리더들이 생성형… Read more
TensorOpera AI Releases Fox-1: A Series of Small Language Models (SLMs) that Includes Fox-1-1.6B and Fox-1-1.6B-Instruct-v0.1
Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant capabilities in a wide range of applications, from solving mathematical problems to answering medical questions. However, these models are becoming increasingly impractical due to their vast size and the immense computational resources required to train and deploy them. LLMs, like those developed by OpenAI or… Read more
Researchers from Georgia Tech and IBM Introduces KnOTS: A Gradient-Free AI Framework to Merge LoRA Models
Model merging has emerged as a powerful technique for creating versatile, multi-task models by combining weights of task-specific models. This approach enables crucial capabilities such as skill accumulation, model weakness patching, and collaborative improvement of existing models. While model merging has shown remarkable success with full-rank finetuned (FFT) models, significant challenges arise when applying these… Read more
Saudi Arabia launches $100 Billion AI initiative to lead in global tech
Saudi Arabia has announced a 100 billion USD initiative aimed at establishing itself as a major player in artificial intelligence, data analytics, and advanced technology. The program, known as Project Transcendence, marks a significant push by the Kingdom to develop a robust AI ecosystem that can rival leading tech hubs, including neighbouring United Arab Emirates… Read more
Middle East tech leaders explore AI’s role in modern risk management
In today’s fast-paced digital environment, enterprises increasingly leverage AI and analytics to strengthen their risk management strategies. By adopting AI-driven approaches, businesses can better anticipate potential threats, make data-informed decisions, and bolster the security of their assets and operations. A recent panel on the role of AI and analytics in risk management explored this transformational… Read more
Talenti IT: come attrarre e fidelizzare le risorse umane nell’era dell’AI
Più del 52% delle imprese in Italia continua ad avere difficoltà a trovare le figure professionali tecniche (tra cui gli informatici) di cui ha bisogno e il 48,5% fatica a reperire ingegneri. Il dato aggiornato a ottobre 2024 del Bollettino del Sistema Informativo Excelsior, realizzato da Unioncamere e dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche… Read more
Two Upstart Search Engines Are Teaming Up to Take on Google
Generative AI and new rules targeting tech giants are giving Ecosia and Qwant fuel to challenge Google and Microsoft and develop a web index for Europe. Read more