Category: Uncategorized
Top 10 Python Libraries for Data Analysis
Python has become the go-to language for data analysis due to its elegant syntax, rich ecosystem, and abundance of powerful libraries. Data scientists and analysts leverage Python to perform tasks ranging from data wrangling to machine learning and data visualization. This article explores the top 10 Python libraries that are essential for data analysis, providing… Read more
10 Best AI Keyboard Apps for iPhone in 2024
In today’s digital age, AI-powered tools are revolutionizing the way we interact with our devices. One such area is mobile keyboards, which have become smarter and more efficient with the integration of artificial intelligence. AI keyboards have revolutionized mobile typing, transforming it from a tedious task into a seamless and efficient experience. By leveraging artificial… Read more
GPTKB: Large-Scale Knowledge Base Construction from Large Language Models
Knowledge bases like Wikidata, Yago, and DBpedia have served as fundamental resources for intelligent applications, but innovation in general-world knowledge base construction has been stagnant over the past decade. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized various AI domains and shown potential as sources of structured knowledge, extracting and materializing their complete knowledge remains a… Read more
El Colegio de Registradores de España asegura los datos de sus 1.200 oficinas
El Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y de Bienes Muebles de España (CORPME) pone en marcha el proyecto Replica. En virtud del mismo, el organismo ha replicado ha replicado la copia de los datos críticos de sus más de 1.200 oficinas para su correcta custodia con ayuda de las soluciones de NetApp. En… Read more
I changed 5 ChatGPT settings and instantly became more productive – here’s how
Customizing your ChatGPT experience with these simple tips makes every future AI conversation so much more productive. Read more
Embrace the future of AI-driven business at the 18th IDC Middle East CIO Summit
As industries worldwide are transformed by the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the 18th edition of the IDC Middle East CIO Summit will set the stage for an exciting new chapter in business innovation. Taking place on February 19–20, 2025, at the Grand Hyatt Dubai, the summit’s theme, ‘Architecting an AI-Fueled Business,’ will explore… Read more
Farma2go digitaliza su operativa en busca de la agilidad empresarial
Farma2go es el nombre propio detrás de la plataforma de parafarmacia digital con más de treinta años de experiencia en el sector. Una plataforma web de envío de medicinas y venta de productos farmacéuticos a domicilio que, en los últimos años, como resultado del auge de la digitalización, ha experimentado un irrefrenable incremento en la… Read more
호실적에도 660명 감원한 프레시웍스··· 전문가들 “본격적인 AI 영향일 가능성”
중견기업 대상 고객 서비스, IT, CRM 벤더인 프레시웍스가 4분기 매출 및 이익의 호실적에도 불구하고 전 세계 직원 약 13%에 해당하는 660명을 감원한다고 밝혔다. 프레시웍스는 이번 감원이 “글로벌 인재 재조정의 일환”이라고 설명했다. 감원 계획이 다소 이례적이었던 이유는 호실적 발표와 함께 언급됐기 때문이다. 데니스 우드사이드 CEO는 실적 발표 컨퍼런스 콜에서 “이번 분기에 800곳 이상의 신규 고객을 확보해… Read more
Transforming the digital economy: Insights from Huawei’s Alex Xu
Q1: Thank you for taking the time for this interview. Fiber broadband (FBB) has become critical infrastructure for driving the digital economy globally. Could you share with us the overall trend of fiber broadband development, especially in the Middle East and Central Asia region? A. The development of fiber broadband is experiencing strong growth globally,… Read more
네이버, AI 쇼핑앱 상반기 출시··· 생성형 AI 기반의 쇼핑 내비게이터 ‘AI쇼핑추천’ 기능 도입
11일 코엑스에서 열린 팀네이버 통합 컨퍼런스 ‘단24(DAN24)’의 커머스 세션에서 연사로 나선 이윤숙 쇼핑 사업 부문장은 “네이버는 개인화된 쇼핑 경험의 새로운 차원을 제공해 5,000만 국민이 모두 다른 쇼핑경험을 할 수 있도록 초개인화된 AI 쇼핑앱을 선보일 것”이라고 밝히며, 새롭게 출시 예정인 AI 쇼핑 앱 ‘네이버플러스 스토어’ 서비스와 얼라이언스 모델로 기반으로 성장하고 있는 멤버십과 배송 서비스의 방향성에 대해 공개했다. 지난 달 30일 웹 버전으로 베타… Read more