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Los CIO buscan perfeccionar la gobernanza de la IA a pesar de las dudas
A medida que más proyectos de IA generativa pasen de la prueba de concepto a la fase de producción, los CIO experimentarán mayor presión para establecer políticas de gobernanza de esta tecnología con el fin de proteger no sólo a su empresa sino también sus puestos de trabajo. El gobierno estadounidense y la Unión Europea,… Read more
How ChatGPT search paves the way for AI agents
This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get stories like this in your inbox first, sign up here. OpenAI’s Olivier Godement, head of product for its platform, and Romain Huet, head of developer experience, are on a whistle-stop tour around the world. Last week, I sat down with the… Read more
5 cloud market trends and how they will impact IT
Remember all that chatter about companies becoming disillusioned with the cost and complexity of running workloads in a multicloud environment, and moving resources back to the on-premises data center, a trend dubbed cloud repatriation? Well, the cloud is alive, well, and riding high on the AI wave. Worldwide spending on public cloud services is forecast… Read more
Where many CIOs’ strategic visions fall short
Setting direction is the first task of leadership. That’s because, by definition, you’re only leading when others are following. Leaders, that is, are supposed to say, “Follow me!” Those who are supposed to follow have every right to ask, “Where to?” “I don’t know” is not an answer likely to garner energetic enthusiasm. But even… Read more
Building a Robust Machine Learning Pipeline: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls
In real life, the machine learning model is not a standalone object that only produces a prediction. Read more
불확실성 속에서 AI 거버넌스 강화에 나선 CIO
생성형 AI 프로젝트가 개념 검증 단계에서 실제 운영 단계로 전환됨에 따라 CIO는 기업의 안전과 자신의 책임을 다하기 위해 AI 거버넌스 정책 수립이라는 새로운 과제에 직면했다. 미국 정부와 유럽연합, 주요 시장 연구기관이 AI 거버넌스 프레임워크를 제시하고 있으나, 생성형 AI의 혁신 속도가 공식 표준의 제정 속도를 앞서고 있다. 그러다 보니 CIO는 2025년까지 내부 AI 거버넌스 정책을 수립하고… Read more
Optimizing Large-Scale AI Model Pre-Training for Academic Research: A Resource-Efficient Approach
The landscape of AI research is experiencing significant challenges due to the immense computational requirements of large pre-trained language and vision models. Training even relatively modest models demand substantial resources; for instance, Pythia-1B requires 64 GPUs for three days, while RoBERTa needs 1,000 GPUs for a single day. This computational barrier affects academic laboratories, limiting… Read more
Top 20 AI Graphic Design Tools in 2025
The advent of AI has revolutionized the landscape of graphic design. AI graphic design tools are reshaping the way designers work, offering unprecedented efficiency, creativity, and innovation. These tools can automate repetitive tasks, generate fresh ideas, and accelerate the design process, empowering designers to focus on higher-level creative endeavors. As the graphic design industry continues… Read more
This AI Research Diagnoses Problems in Recurrent Neural Networks RNN-based Language Models and Corrects them to Outperform Transformer-based Models on Long Sequence Tasks
Recurrent Neural Networks were the trailblazers in natural language processing and set the cornerstone for future advances. RNNs were simple in structure with their contextual memory and constant state size, which promised the capacity to handle long sequence tasks. While theoretically, the design of RNNS pledged to a great future in long context tasks, practically,… Read more
비용 부담에 보안 공백까지··· 전문가들이 본 ‘오래된 SIEM의 문제’
보안정보 이벤트 관리(SIEM) 솔루션은 수년간 사이버보안의 핵심 요소였다. 하지만 디지털 환경이 복잡해지면서 구형 SIEM 시스템은 이를 관리하는 보안 전문가에게 부담이 되고 있다. 기존 SIEM 시스템 교체를 고민하거나 시스템 노후화를 우려하는 경우, 새로운 솔루션으로 전환하지 않았을 때 발생할 문제점을 미리 검토할 필요가 있다. 오래된 SIEM은 증가하는 데이터 양을 처리하고 진화하는 사이버 위협에 대응할 때 문제를 발생시킬… Read more