Category: Uncategorized
IA generativa en 2025: de la experimentación a la práctica real
Parece llegar a su fin el tiempo de que las empresas jueguen con la IA generativa: las organizaciones comienzan una nueva etapa en la que se reduce la experimentación para pivotar hacia logros de valor empresarial, con un enfoque en menos casos de uso pero más específicos. Según una encuesta realizada recientemente por NTT DATA,… Read more
How wind tech hopes to help decarbonize cargo shipping
Inhabitants of the Marshall Islands—a chain of coral atolls in the center of the Pacific Ocean—rely on sea transportation for almost everything: moving people from one island to another, importing daily necessities from faraway nations, and exporting their local produce. For millennia they sailed largely in canoes, but much of their seafaring movement today involves… Read more
Gen AI in 2025: Playtime is over, time to get practical
Generative AI playtime may be over, as organizations cut down on experimentation and pivot toward achieving business value, with a focus on fewer, more targeted use cases. Nearly nine out of 10 senior decision-makers said they have gen AI pilot fatigue and are shifting their investments to projects that will improve business performance, according to… Read more
It’s Official: Boring Cities Are Bad for Your Health
Oppressive, unstimulating urban architecture isn’t just about eyesores; there’s evidence that it can cause actual harm to its residents. To fix this in 2025, we must start building for joy. Read more
Seis formas de fracasar en la gestión del cambio
En la era de la transformación digital, el cambio organizativo es constante. Depende de los líderes de TI garantizar que los usuarios absorben y aplican los cambios que sus iniciativas digitales aportan a los flujos de trabajo empresariales. Con demasiada frecuencia, sin embargo, la gestión del cambio se trata como un asunto secundario, observa Munir… Read more
Tractor Supply’s Rob Mills on the CIO as chief growth officer
Rob Mills has been instrumental in driving Tractor Supply Co.’s rapid growth, profitability, and world-class customer experience. Mills joined Tractor Supply a decade ago as its CIO, and within four years, his role, influence, and impact had expanded significantly. Now, as executive vice president and chief technology, digital, and corporate strategy officer, Mills has cemented himself as… Read more
LLM Evaluation Metrics Made Easy
Metrics are a cornerstone element in evaluating any AI system, and in the case of large language models (LLMs), this is no exception. Read more
Transforming the Moon Into Humanity’s First Space Hub
The small step back to Earth’s satellite will provide a giant leap for exploring our solar system. Read more
M&A 최대 걸림돌 ‘IT 통합’··· 에어캡이 300억 달러 인수 과정을 성공으로 이끈 비결
항공기 리스란 항공사가 항공기를 직접 구매하지 않고, 일정 기간 동안 대여 형태로 사용하는 방식을 말한다. 이를 통해 항공사는 초기 구매 비용을 줄이고, 수요 변동에 유연하게 대응할 수 있다. 에어캡(AerCap)은 항공기 리스 산업을 이끄는 주요 기업이다. 에어캡이 2021년 제너럴 일렉트릭 캐피탈 항공 서비스(GE Capital Aviation Services, 이하 GECAS)를 인수했을 당시, 이 대담한 행보는 많은 주목을 받았다.… Read more
Why EVs are (mostly) set for solid growth this year
MIT Technology Review’s What’s Next series looks across industries, trends, and technologies to give you a first look at the future. You can read the rest of them here. It looks as though 2025 will be a solid year for electric vehicles—at least outside the United States, where sales will depend on the incoming administration’s… Read more