Category: Uncategorized
Enhancing Task Planning in Language Agents: Leveraging Graph Neural Networks for Improved Task Decomposition and Decision-Making in Large Language Models
Task planning in language agents is gaining attention in LLM research, focusing on breaking complex tasks into manageable sub-tasks arranged in a graph format, with nodes as tasks and edges as dependencies. The study explores task planning challenges in LLMs, such as HuggingGPT, which leverages specialized AI models for complex tasks. Analyzing failures in task… Read more
How Norma Group standardizes its global IT
You may be unfamiliar with the name, but Norma Group products are used wherever pipes are connected and liquids are conveyed, from water supply and irrigation systems in vehicles, trains and aircraft, to agricultural machinery and buildings. And with his almost 200 IT employees, Thomas Reitz, the company’s group CIO, sees himself primarily as a… Read more
Will Your Elected Officials in Congress Accept the Results of the Election?
We’ve asked every member of Congress whether they’ll accept the results as called by the Associated Press. Use our tool to see how your representatives answer. Read more
Ahead of the Election, Social Media Platforms Have Given Up
If you thought 2020 was bad, decisions from Big Tech and the US government have led to an internet that’s even worse off. Read more
Inside a fusion energy facility
This article is from The Spark, MIT Technology Review’s weekly climate newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Wednesday, sign up here. On an overcast day in early October, I picked up a rental car and drove to Devens, Massachusetts, to visit a hole in the ground. Commonwealth Fusion Systems has raised over $2… Read more
The Untold Story of Trump’s Failed Attempt to Overthrow Venezuela’s President
A successful CIA hack of Venezuela’s military payroll system, insider fights for spy agency resources, and messy opposition politics: A WIRED investigation reveals a secret Trump-era attempt to oust autocratic ruler Nicolás Maduro. Read more
Santalucía agiliza los trámites del seguro de decesos mediante IA y robotización
Santalucía ha implementado tecnologías de inteligencia artificial (IA) y automatización robótica de procesos (RPA) para agilizar cerca de 300.000 trámites documentales del seguro de decesos. La aseguradora lleva implementando estas tecnologías de vanguardia en el seno de su operativa desde el pasado 2023, lo que ha contribuido a mejorar el procesamiento documental en la gestión… Read more
Why data is the Achilles Heel of AI (and most every other business plan)
Companies need to put their data houses in order before moving ahead with generative AI initiatives, warn two new surveys. Read more
Toyota y NTT apuestan por la IA para reducir los accidentes de tráfico
La inteligencia artificial (IA) conquista a la industria del automóvil al perfilarse como un aliado en la asistencia al conductor. Toyota Motor y NTT han anunciado una inversión de alrededor de 3,3 millones de dólares con vistas al 2030 para el desarrollo de una plataforma de infraestructura y software que, sirviéndose de la IA, reduzca… Read more
저성과 직원을 보안팀 에이스로··· CISO가 실천하는 7가지 인재 관리법
보안팀은 항상 긴장 속에서 일을 한다. 언제 어떤 위험이 발생할지 모르니 늘 경계하며 잠재적 문제와 다음 위협의 발생 시점을 끊임없이 고민한다. 문제는 이런 환경이 직원에게 심각한 압박감을 줄 수 있다는 것이다. 어떤 압박감은 한 개인의 직원이 감당하기 어려울 정도다. 직원 관리 플랫폼 기업 컬처앰프(Culture Amp)의 CSO 겸 CRO인 샘 맥레오드는 “보안 부서 업무란 복잡하고 모호한… Read more