Category: Uncategorized
Green Revolution redux
In the 1960s, Norman Borlaug, an American biologist, helped spark a period of transformative agricultural innovation known as the Green Revolution by selectively breeding a grain-packed, dwarf variety of wheat. (He would win a Nobel Peace Prize for this work.) In Asia, the Philippines-based International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) had similar success with rice. By… Read more
Cohere Releases Multimodal Embed 3: A State-of-the-Art Multimodal AI Search Model Unlocking Real Business Value for Image Data
In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding and making sense of different types of information simultaneously is crucial for the next wave of AI development. Traditional AI models often struggle with integrating information across multiple data modalities—primarily text and images—to create a unified representation that captures the best of both worlds. In practice, this means that… Read more
La IA domina las predicciones de Gartner para 2025
La inteligencia artificial (IA) sigue dominando el Simposio de TI/Xpo de Gartner de esta semana, así como la lista anual de predicciones de la firma de análisis e investigación. “Está claro que, vayamos donde vayamos, no podemos evitar el impacto de la IA”, dijo a los asistentes Daryl Plummer, distinguido vicepresidente analista, jefe de Investigación… Read more
Los CIO recalibran sus estrategias ‘multicloud’ mientras persisten los retos
Las estrategias en la nube están experimentando un cambio radical últimamente, y los directores de sistemas de información (CIO, por sus siglas en inglés) están cada vez más decididos a sacar el máximo partido de las nubes múltiples. Pero la gestión de entornos multicloud presenta desafíos únicos, especialmente cuando se trata de la interoperabilidad y… Read more
Moonshine: A Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Speech-to-Text Models for Transcription and Voice Command Processing on Edge Devices
Speech recognition technology has become crucial in various modern applications, particularly real-time transcription and voice-activated command systems. It is essential in accessibility tools for individuals with hearing impairments, real-time captions during presentations, and voice-based controls in smart devices. These applications require immediate, precise feedback, often on devices with limited computing power. As these technologies expand… Read more
칼럼 | CIO여, 최고 IT 에벤젤리트가 되자
IT 업계에는 많은 테크 에반젤리스트(전도사라고 표현되기도 함)가 있지만, 이들은 주로 제품, 서비스, 기술을 홍보하는 마케팅 직무를 수행한다. 에반젤리스트 대부분은 기업과 사용자를 대상으로 회사 제품을 교육하고 잠재 고객의 제품 도입을 유도하기 위해 존재한다. 그런면에서 뛰어난 성과를 보이는 에반젤리스트는 기술적 가치를 이해하고, 이를 잠재 고객에게 효과적으로 전달하는 일종의 인플루언서다. CIO의 목표도 에반젤리스트와 닮아 있다. CIO 직무 기술서에는… Read more
A Note from the Editor
What are we going to eat? It is the eternal question. We humans have been asking ourselves this for as long as we have been human. The question itself can be tedious, exciting, urgent, or desperate, depending on who is asking and where. There are many parts of the world where there is no answer. … Read more
The algorithms around us
A metronome ticks. A record spins. And as a feel-good pop track plays, a giant compactor slowly crushes a Jenga tower of material creations. Paint cans burst. Chess pieces topple. Camera lenses shatter. An alarm clock shrills and then goes silent. A guitar neck snaps. Even a toy emoji is not spared, its eyes popping… Read more
Mimao mejora la atención al cliente gracias a la integración de sus plataformas digitales
En la última década, las ventas de productos relacionados con el sector de la moda han experimentado un crecimiento muy significativo en España a través del canal online. Es más, sólo en 2023, más de 14 millones de personas recurrieron a Internet para comprar ropa, accesorios y calzado, unas cifras que, lejos de remitir, seguirán… Read more
호실적 발표 및 전망 상향 조정한 SAP, 직원 만족도는 하락?
SAP 직원들 사이에서 불만의 목소리가 커지고 있다. 크리스티안 클라인 CEO가 중심인 SAP 경영진은 2024년 직원 몰입도(employee engagement)가 70~74%에 그칠 것으로 예상했다. 10년 만에 최저치다. 이는 지난해 3분기 재무 보고서를 통해 확인됐다. 이 지수는 직원 설문 조사 5개 문항에서 긍정적인 답변 비율을 의미한다. SAP는 “직원 몰입도는 직원의 만족도, 헌신, 회사에 대한 자부심, 일체감을 표현하는 지표다. 성장… Read more