Category: Uncategorized
LongAlign: A Segment-Level Encoding Method to Enhance Long-Text to Image Generation
The rapid progress of text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models has made it possible to generate highly detailed and accurate images from text inputs. However, as the length of the input text increases, current encoding methods, such as CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining), encounter various limitations. These methods struggle to capture the full complexity of long text descriptions,… Read more
웹케시, 뉴젠피앤피 인수로 급여 아웃소싱 시장 진출
이번 인수로 웹케시는 자금관리서비스(CMS) 외에도 급여 아웃소싱 시장에 본격적으로 진출하게 됐다. 이를 통해 기존 자금관리 솔루션 중심의 포트폴리오에서 급여 아웃소싱을 추가해 고객에게 보다 폭넓은 서비스를 제공할 예정이다. 웹케시는 뉴젠피앤피의 급여, 연말정산 솔루션을 인하우스, 브랜치, AI경리나라 등 자사 CMS 솔루션에 통합해 급여 아웃소싱 서비스를 보급할 예정이다.웹케시는 보도자료를 통해 “뉴젠피앤피 인수로 자사의 방대한 고객 네트워크와 브랜드 파워를… Read more
40% Off Nectar Coupon Code for October 2024
Get 40% off with our Nectar promo code for any Nectar mattress and earn savings for top sleep accessories, bundles & more. Read more
UC Berkeley Researchers Propose DocETL: A Declarative System that Optimizes Complex Document Processing Tasks using LLMs
Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention in data management, with applications spanning data integration, database tuning, query optimization, and data cleaning. However, analyzing unstructured data, especially complex documents, remains challenging in data processing. Recent declarative frameworks designed for LLM-based unstructured data processing focus more on reducing costs than enhancing accuracy. This creates problems… Read more
Controllable Safety Alignment (CoSA): An AI Framework Designed to Adapt Models to Diverse Safety Requirements without Re-Training
As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly capable and better day by day, their safety has become a critical topic for research. To create a safe model, model providers usually pre-define a policy or a set of rules. These rules help to ensure the model follows a fixed set of principles, resulting in a model… Read more
Cyber Resilience Act dell’UE: che cos’è e come faciliterà la vita ai CIO
Il Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) [in inglese] dell’Unione Europea ha avuto il via libera del Consiglio dei ministri dell’UE: si completa così il quadro normativo dell’Unione sulla cybersicurezza di cui fanno parte anche la NIS2 e, per il settore finanziario, la normativa DORA. Il CRA si rivolge ai produttori di dispositivi digitali immessi sul mercato… Read more
Meta AI Releases LayerSkip: A Novel AI Approach to Accelerate Inference in Large Language Models (LLMs)
Accelerating inference in large language models (LLMs) is challenging due to their high computational and memory requirements, leading to significant financial and energy costs. Current solutions, such as sparsity, quantization, or pruning, often require specialized hardware or result in decreased model accuracy, making efficient deployment difficult. Researchers from FAIR at Meta, GenAI at Meta, Reality… Read more
DPLM-2: A Multimodal Protein Language Model Integrating Sequence and Structural Data
Proteins, vital macromolecules, are characterized by their amino acid sequences, which dictate their three-dimensional structures and functions in living organisms. Effective generative protein modeling requires a multimodal approach to simultaneously understand and generate sequences and structures. Current methods often rely on separate models for each modality, limiting their effectiveness. While advancements like diffusion models and… Read more
MIND (Math Informed syNthetic Dialogue): How Structured Synthetic Data Improves the Mathematical and Logical Capabilities of AI-Powered Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) can understand and generate human-like text across various applications. However, despite their success, LLMs often need help in mathematical reasoning, especially when solving complex problems requiring logical, step-by-step thinking. This research field is evolving rapidly as AI researchers explore new methods to enhance LLMs’ capabilities in handling advanced reasoning tasks, particularly… Read more
“경기 회복에도 글로벌 PC 출하량 감소” IDC
IDC가 ‘2024년 3분기 PC 트래커(Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker, October 8, 2024)‘를 발표했다. 잠정 집계된 2024년 3분기 전통적인 PC의 전 세계 출하량은 지난해 같은 기간 보다 2.4% 감소한 6,880만 대에 그친 것으로 나타났다. 경기 회복에도 불구하고 글로벌 PC 출하량이 감소한 이유는 비용 상승과 재고 보충 등의 요인이 작용해 이전 분기 출하량이 급증하고 판매 주기가 느려졌기… Read more