Category: Uncategorized

  • IDC Spotlight: Boosting AI Impact with Data Products

    The digital business era, driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI (gen AI), demands unified, interoperable data to overcome challenges like data integrity and control concerns. IDC’s January 2024 survey of 881 respondents reveals significant investment in gen AI, emphasizing the need for centralizing intelligence about data. Trends such as modern data architectures and… Read more

  •  A data bottleneck is holding AI science  back, says new Nobel winner

    This story originally appeared in The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get stories like this in your inbox first, sign up here. David Baker is sleep-deprived but happy. He’s just won the Nobel prize, after all.  The call from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences woke him in the middle of the night.… Read more

  • The quest to protect farmworkers from extreme heat

    On July 21, 2024, temperatures soared in many parts of the world, breaking the record for the hottest day ever recorded on the planet. The following day—July 22—the record was broken again. But even as the heat index rises each summer, the people working outdoors to pick fruits, vegetables, and flowers for American tables keep… Read more

  • Building a Trusted Data Foundation for AI/ML and Business Intelligence (BI)

    With high-quality, timely data for your business intelligence and AI/ML initiatives, you can improve business efficiency, mitigate risks, enhance the customer experience, and improve insights for better business outcomes. Learn how Reltio platform uses ML and gen AI to automate entity resolution, improve data quality, and boost data steward productivity—setting a new standard for efficiency… Read more

  • “악성 오픈소스 소프트웨어 패키지, 올해 폭발적으로 증가” 소나타입 보고서

    소프트웨어 공급망 관리 기업 소나타입(Sonatype)의 새 보고서에 따르면 맬웨어가 오픈소스 소프트웨어 개발 생태계에 놀라운 속도로 침투하고 있다. 이 회사는 널리 사용되는 자바, 자바스크립트, 파이썬 및 .NET 패키지 레지스트리에서 2023년 11월 이후 50만 개 이상의 새로운 악성 패키지를 포착했다고 밝혔다. 설명에 따르면 이는 회사가 연례 소프트웨어 공급망 현황 보고서를 통해 2019년부터 추적해온 약 70만 개의 맬웨어… Read more

  • The Case for Reshaping Traditional Industries with Tech

    Digitalization is everywhere. Be it in the energy industry, e-government services, manufacturing, or logistics, the fourth industrial revolution is having a profound impact. Thanks to AI, 5G-A, cloud, and other technologies, the physical world is merging with the digital world. The rapid adoption of these technologies is contributing to driving efficiency, reducing operational costs and… Read more

  • Orange apuesta por la hostelería y el comercio mediante nuevos servicios digitales

    En un escenario en el que la eficiencia operativa y la digitalización son cruciales para el éxito de la hostelería y el comercio, Orange parece haberse perfilado como un aliado estratégico. Y es que según se ha dado a conocer, la compañía ha lanzado dos nuevas herramientas digitales capaces de adaptarse a las necesidades cambiantes… Read more

  • El 67% del sector industrial ya utiliza la IA para la fabricación de productos

    Desde su irrupción, la inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha perfilado como una herramienta poderosa para transformar el sector industrial. En un contexto en el que se busca aumentar la productividad y la competitividad, un 67% de las empresas industriales ya utiliza la IA y la visión artificial para la fabricación de productos, más concretamente para… Read more

  • Innovación y mejora continua en la granja: la apuesta por la excelencia operativa de Costa Food Group

    El Grupo Empresarial Costa vio la luz en 1966 en la localidad oscense de Fraga. Desde entonces, su crecimiento y expansión han sido envidiables, llegando a traspasar fronteras y afincándose en más de un centenar de países. Y es que hoy en día la compañía genera 5.000 puestos de trabajo y cuenta con una facturación… Read more

  • 혁신을 주도하는 IT 리더가 아닐 수 있다는 징후 7가지

    오늘날 ‘혁신적 CIO’로 인정받는 일은 명예의 상징과도 같다. 디지털화와 혁신에 초점을 맞춘 CIO닷컴의 ‘2024 CIO 현황 조사’에 따르면 IT 리더의 40%가 스스로를 ‘혁신적’이라고 생각했다. 반면 23%는 자신을 ‘기능적’이라고 했는데, 이는 여전히 기존 기술 인프라를 최적화하고 현대화하며 보안을 유지하는 등 기능적인 측면에 중점을 두는 이들이 많다는 의미다. IT 리더 응답자의 거의 절반(49%)은 향후 더 전략적인 역할을… Read more