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구글 딥마인드 CEO 데미스 허사비스, 노벨 화학상 수상
스웨덴 왕립 과학 아카데미가 노벨화학상 공동 수상자 3명으로 미국 워싱턴 대학교 교수 데이비드 베이커, 구글 딥마인드 선임 연구 과학자 존 점퍼, 구글 딥마인드 CEO 데미스 허사비스를 선정했다고 9일 밝혔다. 이번 노벨 화학상은 베이커가 ‘컴퓨터 기반 단백질 설계’로 상의 절반을 받았고, 허사비스와 점퍼는 ‘단백질 구조 예측’으로 나머지 절반을 나눴다고 스웨덴 왕립 과학 아카데미가 밝혔다. 스웨덴 왕립… Read more
What to expect at GITEX 2024: Key technologies shaping the future for tech leaders
As one of the largest and most influential technology exhibitions in the world, GITEX Global 2024 promises to be a pivotal event for technology leaders. Hosted in Dubai from October 14-18, GITEX will showcase cutting-edge innovations and provide a platform for global experts to discuss the latest advancements in technology. For decision-makers and industry leaders,… Read more
The weeds are winning
On a languid, damp July morning, I meet weed scientist Aaron Hager outside the old Agronomy Seed House at the University of Illinois’ South Farm. In the distance are round barns built in the early 1900s, designed to withstand Midwestern windstorms. The sky is a formless white. It’s the day after a storm system hundreds… Read more
This octopus-inspired adhesive can stick to just about anything
A new adhesive technology pays homage to one of nature’s strongest sources of suction: an octopus tentacle. Researchers replicated an octopus’s strong grip and controlled release to create a tool that manipulates a wide array of objects. It could help improve underwater construction methods or find application in everyday devices like an assistive glove. Each… Read more
Muchos directivos han perdido la confianza en las TI, incluidos los CIO
Malas noticias para los CIO: muchos líderes de alta dirección, incluidos los de TI, tienen menos confianza en la capacidad de su departamento para hacer el trabajo que hace una década. Menos de la mitad de los directivos creen que sus organizaciones de TI están prestando servicios básicos de manera efectiva, en comparación con alrededor… Read more
10년 새 조직 내 IT팀 신뢰도 하락… 전문가들이 제시한 해결책은?
IT 부서의 업무 수행 능력에 대한 최고 경영진의 신뢰도가 10년 전보다 낮아졌다. 이는 CIO에게 나쁜 소식이다. IBM 기업가치연구소가 최근 발표한 설문 조사 결과에 따르면, IT팀이 기본 서비스를 효과적으로 제공한다고 생각하는 최고 경영진의 비율이 2013년 약 3분의 2에서 현재 절반 이하로 감소했다. 특히 CEO의 신뢰도 하락이 두드러졌다. 2013년에는 64%의 CEO가 IT팀의 기본 서비스 제공 능력을 신뢰했지만,… Read more
This AI Paper Introduces Diffusion Evolution: A Novel AI Approach to Evolutionary Computation Combining Diffusion Models and Evolutionary Algorithms
Artificial intelligence has significantly advanced by integrating biological principles, such as evolution, into machine learning models. Evolutionary algorithms, inspired by natural selection and genetic mutation, are commonly used to optimize complex systems. These algorithms refine populations of potential solutions over generations based on fitness, leading to efficient adaptation in challenging environments. Similarly, diffusion models in… Read more
Driving digital transformation at the Saudi Accreditation Center: A conversation with Dr. Fahad Almoqhim, CIO
The Saudi Accreditation Center (SAAC) is crucial in advancing the Kingdom’s quality infrastructure, ensuring that businesses and organizations comply with rigorous standards. At the helm of the Center’s technological evolution is Dr. Fahad Almoqhim, Chief Information Officer (CIO), who has been instrumental in leading the center’s digital transformation. In this exclusive interview, Dr. Almoqhim sheds… Read more
Meet DiscoveryWorld: A Virtual Environment for Developing and Benchmarking An Agent’s Ability to Perform Complete Cycles of Novel Scientific Discovery
Automated scientific discovery has the potential to enhance progress across various scientific fields significantly. However, assessing an AI agent’s ability to use comprehensive scientific reasoning is challenging due to the high costs and impracticalities of conducting real-world experiments. While recent neural techniques have led to successful discovery systems for specific problems like protein folding, mathematics,… Read more
AI as a catalyst for ESG: Empowering CIOs to drive sustainable innovation
In today’s fast-evolving business landscape, environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria have become fundamental to corporate responsibility and long-term success. Stakeholders—investors, regulators and consumers — now expect businesses to move beyond profitability and actively demonstrate ethical governance, social responsibility and environmental stewardship. The demand for ESG initiatives has become an integral part of a company’s… Read more