Category: Uncategorized
CIO intangibles: 6 abilities that set effective IT execs apart
What got you here won’t get you there. That advice from executive coach and bestselling author Marshall Goldsmith has never been truer for CIOs than it is today. The technical skills, IT leadership expertise, and ability to keep the network secure and running, and even to deliver innovation aren’t enough to create success for today’s… Read more
MOSEL: Collection of Open Source Speech Data for Speech Foundation Model Training on EU Languages
While existing speech datasets are heavily skewed towards English, many EU languages are underserved in terms of accessible and high-quality speech data. This lack of resources leads to AI models that better understand and process English than other languages in tasks like recognition, machine translation, and other natural language processing tasks. The scarcity of well-organized,… Read more
Tech Day of Pink: Estée Lauder CIO’s global IT movement to fund breast cancer research
When he joined The Estée Lauder Companies in 2017, Michael Smith recognized a way he could help make a difference in a different way than his typical CIO duties: raise awareness about breast cancer. To help raise funding for research through the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), Smith started Tech Day of Pink at Estée… Read more
80% of developers need to upgrade their skills by 2027
Generative AI will place new demands on developers in the coming years, according to a recent report by research firm Gartner, which found in a survey of 300 organizations in the US and UK late last year that 56% viewed developers with skills in AI and machine learning as the most in-demand role in 2024.… Read more
Tecnología aplicada a la mejora del reciclaje: el caso de Ecoembes
La digitalización va ganando terreno entre las distintas industrias en España. Cada vez son más las organizaciones que incorporan herramientas basadas en IoT, inteligencia artificial o blockchain, con el objetivo principal de optimizar su desempeño. Entre las que han comenzado a probar, con éxito, el despliegue de estas tecnologías está Ecoembes, la entidad encargada de… Read more
This Homemade AI Drone Software Finds People When Search and Rescue Teams Can’t
British Mountain Rescue workers have developed an automated drone system that can scour a landscape far quicker and more thoroughly than human eyes. Read more
Transforming Healthcare with AI and IoMT: Innovations, Challenges, and Future Directions in Predicting and Managing Chronic and Terminal Diseases
AI and the Internet of Medical Things IoMT are transforming healthcare, particularly in managing terminal diseases like cancer and heart failure. These technologies enhance diagnosis, personalize treatments, and improve patient monitoring, leading to better outcomes and quality of life. As terminal diseases progress, palliative care becomes crucial, focusing on symptom relief rather than cure. Integrating… Read more
15 Use Cases of ChatGPT for Recruiters
Recruitment is a dynamic process that has undergone tremendous transformation in recent years, with the adoption of new technologies playing a crucial role. One of the latest tools revolutionizing the recruitment landscape is OpenAI’s ChatGPT. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT offers recruiters numerous opportunities to streamline their processes, improve candidate experiences, and… Read more
Vinoground: A Temporal Counterfactual Large Multimodal Models LMM Evaluation Benchmark Encompassing 1000 Short and Natural Video-Caption Pairs
Generative Intelligence has remained a hot topic for some time, with the current world witnessing an unprecedented boom in AI-related innovations and research, especially after the introduction of Large Language Models. A significant amount of funding is being allocated to LLM-related research in academia and industry, and it is intended to create the subsequent breakthrough… Read more
“상업적 목적 사용 가능” ··· 가비아, 홍익대와 공동 제작한 무료 글꼴 2종 배포
올해 공개되는 글꼴은 ‘가비아 고스란체’와 ‘가비아 눌체’다. 국내 타이포그래피 권위자인 안병학 홍익대학교 시각디자인학과 교수와 정영훈 책임 디자이너의 지도 아래 홍익대학교 시각디자인학과 전공생인 권순형, 최지호 디자이너가 제작을 맡았다. 권순형 디자이너가 제작한 ‘가비아 고스란체’는 잉크펜으로 눌러썼을 때 나타나는 잉크의 맺힘을 강조한 글꼴이다. 손글씨의 촉감을 고스란히 담고자 한 것이 특징으로 문학 작품에 사용하기에 적합하다. ‘가비아 눌체’는 최지호 디자이너가… Read more