Category: Uncategorized
This Was the Year of the Influencer Political Takeover
Politicians fully embraced the creator economy in 2024, blurring the lines between punditry and journalism. By 2028, the lawmakers could become creators themselves. Read more
The Special Olympics embarks on digital journey to empower its athletes
The Special Olympics is overhauling its technology stack as part of a digital transformation designed to bolster the training of its athletes across the globe. Nathan Cook , who started as chief information and technology officer at Special Olympics more than a year ago, has aggressive plans for the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit’s next five years,… Read more
What is data governance? Frameworks, tools, and best practices to manage data assets
Data governance definition Data governance is a system to define who within an organization has authority and control over data assets, and how those data assets may be used. It encompasses the people, processes, and technologies required to manage and protect data assets. The Data Governance Institute defines it as a system of decision rights… Read more
The world’s first industrial-scale plant for green steel promises a cleaner future
As of 2023, nearly 2 billion metric tons of it were being produced annually, enough to cover Manhattan in a layer more than 13 feet thick. Making this metal produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide. Overall, steelmaking accounts for around 8% of the world’s carbon emissions—one of the largest industrial emitters and far more… Read more
There’s Still Time to Get Ahead of the Next Global Pandemic
By learning lessons from other sectors, public health can ensure it is ready to face future outbreaks in record time. Read more
Cómo trabaja Ikea con la IA: 30.000 empleados formados
Como la mayoría de las empresas, Ikea se centra en los datos y la inteligencia artificial (IA) para cumplir sus ambiciones de futuro. Por ello, hace cuatro años, la empresa desarrolló una estrategia de datos para todo el grupo, que se ha seguido desde entonces. “Si la sigo y lo hago bien, cada vez se… Read more
AWS Researchers Propose LEDEX: A Machine Learning Training Framework that Significantly Improves the Self-Debugging Capability of LLMs
Code generation using Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a critical research area, but generating accurate code for complex problems in a single attempt remains a significant challenge. Even skilled human developers often require multiple iterations of trial-and-error debugging to solve difficult programming problems. While LLMs have demonstrated impressive code generation capabilities, their self-debugging… Read more
Meet AIArena: A Blockchain-Based Decentralized AI Training Platform
The monopolization of any industry into the hands of a few giant companies has always been a matter of concern. Now, even artificial intelligence (AI) has fallen prey to these circumstances. Such monopolization of AI raises concerns like the concentration of power and resources, data monopoly and privacy, lack of transparency, and accountability. Furthermore, biases… Read more
‘Burnout’: una epidemia crónica en la industria de TI
El agotamiento laboral sigue siendo un problema generalizado para las organizaciones de TI. Es un problema complejo que no ha mejorado desde que alcanzó su punto máximo durante la pandemia de la covid. A pesar de no haber sufrido la pandemia mundial, la industria ha sufrido despidos masivos en medio de la creciente demanda de… Read more
La falta de métricas de éxito de los CIO condena a muchos proyectos de IA
Según la firma de investigación IDC, muchas organizaciones han lanzado docenas de proyectos de prueba de concepto de inteligencia artificial (IA) solo para ver que un gran porcentaje fracasa, en parte porque los CIO no saben si las POC cumplen con las métricas clave. En una encuesta de IDC de septiembre, el 30% de los CIO… Read more