Category: Uncategorized
Cómo trabaja Ikea con la IA: 30.000 empleados formados
Como la mayoría de las empresas, Ikea se centra en los datos y la inteligencia artificial (IA) para cumplir sus ambiciones de futuro. Por ello, hace cuatro años, la empresa desarrolló una estrategia de datos para todo el grupo, que se ha seguido desde entonces. “Si la sigo y lo hago bien, cada vez se… Read more
AWS Researchers Propose LEDEX: A Machine Learning Training Framework that Significantly Improves the Self-Debugging Capability of LLMs
Code generation using Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a critical research area, but generating accurate code for complex problems in a single attempt remains a significant challenge. Even skilled human developers often require multiple iterations of trial-and-error debugging to solve difficult programming problems. While LLMs have demonstrated impressive code generation capabilities, their self-debugging… Read more
Meet AIArena: A Blockchain-Based Decentralized AI Training Platform
The monopolization of any industry into the hands of a few giant companies has always been a matter of concern. Now, even artificial intelligence (AI) has fallen prey to these circumstances. Such monopolization of AI raises concerns like the concentration of power and resources, data monopoly and privacy, lack of transparency, and accountability. Furthermore, biases… Read more
‘Burnout’: una epidemia crónica en la industria de TI
El agotamiento laboral sigue siendo un problema generalizado para las organizaciones de TI. Es un problema complejo que no ha mejorado desde que alcanzó su punto máximo durante la pandemia de la covid. A pesar de no haber sufrido la pandemia mundial, la industria ha sufrido despidos masivos en medio de la creciente demanda de… Read more
La falta de métricas de éxito de los CIO condena a muchos proyectos de IA
Según la firma de investigación IDC, muchas organizaciones han lanzado docenas de proyectos de prueba de concepto de inteligencia artificial (IA) solo para ver que un gran porcentaje fracasa, en parte porque los CIO no saben si las POC cumplen con las métricas clave. En una encuesta de IDC de septiembre, el 30% de los CIO… Read more
DeepSeek-AI Just Released DeepSeek-V3: A Strong Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) Language Model with 671B Total Parameters with 37B Activated for Each Token
The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has made significant strides with the development of large-scale language models (LLMs). However, this progress has brought its own set of challenges. Training and inference require substantial computational resources, the availability of diverse, high-quality datasets is critical, and achieving balanced utilization in Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architectures remains complex. These… Read more
Top 25 AI Tools for Content Creators in 2025
Creating engaging, high-quality content has never been easier, thanks to the rapid advancement and availability of AI-powered tools. These innovative platforms are revolutionizing the way creators and marketers produce videos, write blogs, edit images, design graphics, and even compose music. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, these tools save time, enhance creativity, and deliver professional-grade results… Read more
A Comprehensive Analytical Framework for Mathematical Reasoning in Multimodal Large Language Models
Mathematical reasoning has emerged as a critical frontier in artificial intelligence, particularly in developing Large Language Models (LLMs) capable of performing complex problem-solving tasks. While traditional mathematical reasoning focuses on text-based inputs, modern applications increasingly involve multimodal elements including diagrams, graphs, and equations. This presents significant challenges for existing systems in processing and integrating information… Read more
This Research from Amazon Explores Step-Skipping Frameworks: Advancing Efficiency and Human-Like Reasoning in Language Models
The pursuit of enhancing artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities is significantly influenced by human intelligence, particularly in reasoning and problem-solving. Researchers aim to create language models that emulate human-like behaviors, such as optimizing reasoning processes. This involves exploring how models can transition from detailed, step-by-step solutions to more efficient methods by selectively skipping steps, a hallmark… Read more
ITDM 2025 전망 | “불경기 시대 속 콘텐츠 산업··· 기술이 돌파구를 마련하다” CJ ENM 조성철 엔터부문 CIO
글로벌 OTT 플랫폼의 한국 시장 진출로 경쟁이 심화되는 가운데, 인구 감소와 미디어 플랫폼의 다변화로 인해 전통적 수익원이었던 광고 매출이 지속적으로 감소하고 있다. 경쟁력 있는 콘텐츠 확보만이 이러한 위기를 극복할 수 있는 핵심 열쇠지만, 제작비 상승과 경기 침체로 인한 예산 제약으로 양질의 콘텐츠 제작에 어려움을 겪고 있다. CIO의 역량은 위기 상황에서 오히려 빛을 발할 수 있다.… Read more