HP redefines PC refresh approach using performance data

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Traditionally, a PC refresh plan is scheduled based on the age of the devices, but as technology advances, so do opportunities. PCs today often continue to perform as needed for much longer than established in a lifecycle policy. At the same time, some users experience PC performance challenges unrelated to the age of the device but impacting both productivity and satisfaction.  

HP has been advancing its own telemetry and analytics tools to gather and assess data for intelligent decision-making. To apply these tools to smart decisions for PC refresh, the next step was to generate modern data in an organised PC performance map. 

Optimising PC refresh: a data-driven approach by HP 

PCs with lower performance would be refreshed first and users most impacted would see results first. To accomplish this type of targeted refresh, HP needed to see exactly what was happening with each device in the fleet and be able to rank device performance.  

HP put its tools to work and used telemetry, insights and analytics within the Workforce Experience Platform to gain a clear view into the fleet and the performance of each device. By integrating with the rest of the enterprise systems they were able to see the results individual employees were getting with their PCs and measure satisfaction. HP IT provided new or refurbished PCs to users who truly needed an upgrade. 

Through this evaluation and performance-ranking process, HP recognised the opportunity, both internally and for HP customers, to avoid replacing hardware that still performed well and supported user productivity. Using this targeted data-driven approach, organisations can avoid the expenses associated with unnecessary early device replacement.  

This method also helps maximise the value of existing PC assets and minimise budget waste. The initial premise was validated in an internal pilot and is now the process used for the refresh of more than 50,000 devices. A targeted, data-driven refresh process generates positive results. And upgrading underperforming PC devices can significantly boost employee productivity and satisfaction. 

Performance data outranks age in prioritising PC refresh 

For HP, turning technology into new products and services for customers can often happen through the HP on HP program. New offerings are deployed to HP IT and employees to test and expand the capabilities of new products, services and solutions.  

HP company-wide employee satisfaction surveys (CSAT) help measure both health and pain points to respond quickly when user dissatisfaction arises. In 2022, some HP employees were reporting increasing challenges with device performance and speed, causing loss of productivity and frustration at work.  

In response, HP set an ambitious goal to introduce new processes leveraging telemetry tools and data insights to pinpoint specific improvement areas. A deep dive study began using the Workforce Experience Platform to monitor and collect performance data.  

The data collected made it clear that one HP regional office was experiencing a higher volume of device issues. When using a traditional PC refresh model, the first step is to replace the oldest PCs, specifically those more than 40 months old. 

The goal of this pilot was to identify if this model of refreshing older PCs would sufficiently address these performance challenges and if not, what actions would resolve them with greater precision? 

Visibility from data 

Using data from the Workforce Experience Platform, HP IT determined that of the devices experiencing performance related issues, 69% had 8 GB memory or less and 90% were experiencing memory and/or CPU overutilisation. This indicated that the issues were not simply age-related but the result of more complex factors. HP IT quickly shipped 39 PCs to power users to test performance side by side for comparison.  

Immediately these replacements brought a 33% increase in employee productivity.  

As a result of this initial success, HP IT refined its data driven analysis and expanded its PC refresh pilot to the entire HP fleet. Looking at a multitude of variables—CPU utilisation, the amount of total memory on a device, top applications running on a device and more—a total of 5,322 devices identified as the worst performing were targeted by HP IT for a PC refresh. 

Measuring impact verifies success 

HP IT taking a new and innovative approach to PC refresh became an enlightening journey. By prioritising device updates to those that are underperforming, the greatest improvements can be achieved quickly. And when new or upgraded PCs replace those that are performing less well, employee productivity can significantly improve. When users are satisfied with their devices, their productivity improves and job satisfaction climbs. 

Benefits of a targeted refresh 

  • Resources are allocated where they are most needed. 
  • Underperforming devices are replaced first.  
  • Employee productivity is boosted when underperforming devices are refreshed. 
  • Improved productivity and device performance support higher job satisfaction. 

To measure the real-world impact of a data-driven targeted PC refresh approach, HP included survey processes. Baseline Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores helped bring initial awareness to device and satisfaction issues.  

The post-pilot and refresh survey resulted in a substantial CSAT score improvement of 70%1.  

As expected, PC performance after the refresh also improved: memory availability of devices increased by 71%2; performance of the entire fleet increased by 9%; and 85% of employees who responded to a survey noted the new PCs did improve their productivity.  

The combination of HP insights and employee satisfaction surveys provided a detailed view for HP IT to make data-driven decisions. For IT managers, taking a targeted approach that is backed by reporting can help prioritise IT demands and constrained budgets. IT can take actions that are needed most and target employees who will receive the greatest benefits. 

The HP on HP program leverages real-world IT operations to research, test and analyse new ways of working with technology, software, services, processes and more. HP is already integrating this new method of device insights and analytics—for PC refresh and other related IT actions—into future HP products. The telemetry and analytics tools HP leverages are available to HP customers to apply their own data-driven actions to IT. 

Read the full guide here. Learn more at HP Workforce Solutions. 

1 Net promoter score of employees in pilot increased 26 points from 37 to 63 from Feb 23 to June 23 after receiving new PCs. 26/37=70 

2 Source: HP TechPulse and hpNOW Feb 2023 and June 2023, PCs refreshed 8 GB to 16 GB

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