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Diez formas de enterrar tu cultura TI
Los CIO transformacionales reconocen la importancia de la cultura de TI para generar innovación, acelerar los impactos comerciales y reducir los riesgos operativos y de seguridad. Sin una cultura de TI sólida, es difícil inspirar a los equipos de TI para que vayan más allá de sus responsabilidades de “gestionar el negocio” y se extiendan…
Meta Horizon Worlds Has Been Taken Over by Children
Lowered age restrictions and cheaper VR headsets have led to young kids hijacking the metaverse. Maybe we should let them keep it.
Why Are Kindle Colorsofts Turning Yellow?
In physical books, yellowing pages are usually a sign of age. But brand-new users of Amazon’s Kindle Colorsofts, the tech giant’s first color e-reader, are already noticing yellow hues appearing at the bottoms of their displays. Since the complaints began the trickle in, Amazon has reportedly suspended shipments and announced that it is working to…
The 6 Best Folding Phones We’ve Tested and Reviewed (2024)
Ready to move on from the traditional glass slab? Introduce a hinge into your life with these folding smartphones.
Microsoft-backed startup debuts task optimized enterprise AI models that run on CPUs
Fastino emerges from stealth with $7 million in pre-seed funding to advance task optimized enterprise AI models that don’t require a GPU to run.Read More
Georgia Tech joins Apple’s new silicon engineering initiative
Georgia Tech has joined Apple’s initiative aimed at preparing students for hardware technology, computer architecture and chip design.Read More
Survey: AI to usher in new middle management era
As generative AI begins takes hold in business, who does what work and how organizations will be structured will inevitably change, particularly at the leadership and management levels, according to a new survey from Capgemini in which 1,500 managers from 500 organizations and 15 countries participated. The majority (51%) of respondents believe that decision-making positions…
“AI가 새로운 중간 관리자 시대 연다· · · 다이아몬드 구조로 변화” 캡제미니 설문조사
캡제미니가 15개국 500개 조직의 관리자 1,500명을 대상으로 진행한 설문조사 결과를 발표했다. 생성형 AI가 비즈니스에서 자리를 잡아가는 가운데, 리더십과 관리 수준에서 변화가 나타날 것으로 관측되기에 눈길을 끈다. 응답자의 과반수(51%)는 생성형 AI의 사용으로 인해 의사결정 직책이 더욱 틈새화될(more niche) 것이라고 답했다. 이는 리더가 데이터 분석, AI 전략, 윤리 평가, 리스크 관리 등 다양한 분야의 전문가가 되어야 한다는…
10 ways to kill your IT culture
Transformational CIOs recognize the importance of IT culture in delivering innovation, accelerating business impacts, and reducing operational and security risks. Without a strong IT culture, inspiring IT teams to extend beyond their “run the business” responsibilities into areas requiring collaboration between business colleagues, data scientists, and partners is challenging. Research on creating a culture of…
La herencia y patrimonio de la Basílica de San Pedro se democratiza gracias a la tecnología
Los tesoros arquitectónicos de la Basílica de San Pedro, corazón espiritual del cristianismo, accesibles gracias a la innovación tecnológica. Emplazada en la Ciudad del Vaticano, de estilo arquitectónico barroco y renacentista, alberga más de 400 años de historia en su interior. Hoy, gracias a la alianza suscrita entre el Vaticano, Iconem y Microsoft, la herencia…