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Samsung Galaxy Book5 Pro 360 Review: Too Buggy
This AI-infused 2-in-1 laptop has great performance and astounding battery life, but it’s buggy and sports a terrible keyboard.
OpenAI’s Transcription Tool Hallucinates. Hospitals Are Using It Anyway
In health care settings, it’s important to be precise. That’s why the widespread use of OpenAI’s Whisper transcription tool among medical workers has experts alarmed.
The Download: coping in a time of arrhythmia, and DNA data storage
This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. The arrhythmia of our current age Arrhythmia means the heart beats, but not in proper time—a critical rhythm of life suddenly going rogue and unpredictable. It’s frightening to experience, but what if it’s…
Why ethical AI should be important to CIOs
Salima Bhimani has been encouraging the responsible and ethical use of AI for several years as Alphabet’s first chief strategist and director for inclusive and responsible technology, business, and leaders from 2017 to 2023. At Google’s parent company, she worked with moonshot companies such as Waymo, Wing, and X, to shape sustainable businesses and global…
How Celanese makes people central to its digital transformation
Celanese operates more than 50 large manufacturing plants across 27 countries, and has made several significant acquisitions in recent years, including Dupont’s $11 billion mobility and materials (M&M) business. At the same time, the company is undergoing a massive digital transformation. Sameer Purao, who joined Celanese as CIO and CDO in 2021, is keeping the…
Ways to ward off a doomed stakeholder management strategy
While new technologies have shifted priorities, the need to manage stakeholders has not, says Krishna Prasad, CIO of technology services business UST. And with AI used in almost every part of the business, stakeholders have become much more tech savvy, reducing their dependency on IT departments. But as a result, anybody could then expose a…
A Lost Mayan City Has Been Found With Laser Mapping
Archaeologists have revealed an ancient lost Mayan city using advanced laser mapping technology, unearthing monumental structures such as pyramids and plazas. Named Valeriana, the city is believed to have been founded before 150 AD.
The arrhythmia of our current age
Thumpa-thumpa, thumpa-thumpa, bump, thumpa, skip, thumpa-thump, pause … My heart wasn’t supposed to be beating like this. Way too fast, with bumps, pauses, and skips. On my smart watch, my pulse was topping out at 210 beats per minute and jumping every which way as my chest tightened. Was I having a heart attack? The…
An easier-to-use technique for storing data in DNA is inspired by our cells
It turns out that you don’t need to be a scientist to encode data in DNA. Researchers have been working on DNA-based data storage for decades, but a new template-based method inspired by our cells’ chemical processes is easy enough for even nonscientists to practice. The technique could pave the way for an unusual but…
지속되는 전문가 부족… CISO는 보안 아웃소싱 모색 중
보안 소프트웨어 및 서비스 지출이 인력 예산보다 빠르게 증가하는 추세다. 기업 보안 구축자가 아닌 ‘수량 조사사(quantity surveyor)’의 역할을 맡는 CISO가 늘어난다는 의미다. 가트너(Gartner) 전망에 따르면 오는 2025년 보안 서비스 지출은 15.8% 증가해 861억 달러에 이른다. 사이버보안 업계의 글로벌 인재 부족이 지속되면서 기업의 보안 서비스 투자가 증가했으며, 기업의 인프라 보안 접근 방식이 재편되는 양상이다. 특히 CISO는…