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Microsoft vs. Google cloud-spat belies anticompetitive reckonings for both
Microsoft has accused Google of building a lobby front in Europe to take action against Microsoft. In a blog post dated Oct. 28, Rima Alaily, Microsoft corporate vice president and deputy general counsel, described the recently founded Open Cloud Coalition (OCC), allegedly financed and controlled by Google, as an “astroturf group.” Its sole aim, according to Alaily, is…
Election Deniers Are Out in Full Force. We Went Where They Did
Vast networks of true believers, convinced beyond all reason that the last election was stolen, have spent years preparing to undermine this one. At last, their time has arrived.
To build business value, leverage your company’s data with AI
Although we live in an increasingly data-driven world, most companies don’t operate data-driven business models. The virtuous circle of network effects driving the success of enterprises like Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon aren’t available to organizations selling traditional products and services. However, the tools to get more from the proprietary data you generate from everyday business…
CIOs look to sharpen AI governance despite uncertainties
As more generative AI projects move from proof-of-concept to production, CIOs will be shouldering the additional pressure of enacting AI governance policies to protect the enterprise — and their jobs. There is no dearth of AI governance frameworks available from the US government and European Union, as well as top market researchers, but no doubt,…
Tracking Elon Musk’s Activities Over the Last Month Ahead of the Election
Over the last month, Elon Musk has put himself in position to take the credit for a Donald Trump win—or the blame for a loss.
칼럼 | 주류화 예고하는 ‘보안 임원’ 서비스 · · · vCISO가 뜬다
사이버 위협이 끊임없이 진화하고 새로운 보안 도구가 자주 등장하는 오늘날, 사이버 보안 임원의 중요성이 그 어느 때보다 크다. 역동적인 환경에서 최고정보보안책임자(CISO)는 현재의 기술 발전에 발맞춰야 할 뿐만 아니라 잠재적인 취약성과 새로운 위협을 선제적으로 예측해야 한다. 이에 따라 가상 CISO(Vciso ; virtual CISO)라는 새로운 직책이 부상하고 있다. 복잡성을 해결하기 위해 전문가의 도움이 필요하지만 풀타임 임원을 유지할…
“AI 시대를 위한 본격 준비”··· 마시맥레넌의 IT 조직 개편 사례
세계 최대 규모의 리스크 자문사이자 보험 중개 업체인 마시맥레넌은 5년 전 대대적인 디지털 트랜스포메이션에 착수했다. 고객사들이 디지털 정보 시대에 부상하는 정치적, 사회적, 경제적 변화에 더 잘 적응하도록 지원하기 위해서였다. 마시맥레넌에서 23년간 전략 컨설턴트로 일했던 폴 베스윅은 당시 리스크, 보험, 컨설팅 서비스 분야의 글로벌 디지털 사업을 재출범하는 임무를 맡게 됐다. 마시맥레넌은 사업 부문은 총 4개로 구성돼…
CIO frente a CEO: claves para una colaboración de éxito
Atrás quedan los tiempos en los que el papel de la parte de sistemas informáticos y tecnología en una empresa se limitaba a un par de llamadas de emergencia si no encendía un ordenador. El impulso digital de los últimos años ha promocionado a este departamento, que hoy en día es uno de los principales…
SMART Filtering: Enhancing Benchmark Quality and Efficiency for NLP Model Evaluation
Evaluating NLP models has become increasingly complex due to issues like benchmark saturation, data contamination, and the variability in test quality. As interest in language generation grows, standard model benchmarking faces challenges from rapidly saturated evaluation datasets, where top models reach near-human performance levels. Creating new, high-quality datasets is resource-intensive, demanding human annotation, data cleaning,…
Top 25 AI Assistants in 2025
In the fast-paced digital age, AI assistants have become essential tools for enhancing productivity, managing workflows, and providing personalized support in our everyday lives. From voice-activated home devices to advanced chatbots, these AI assistants are designed to simplify tasks, answer questions, and help users stay organized, efficient, and informed. The rise of AI assistance comes…