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This App Set Out to Fight Pesticides. After VCs Stepped In, Now It Helps Sell Them
Plantix started with the mission of making farming more environmentally friendly. So how did it end up selling the very products it wanted to fight against?
‘Take Back the States’: The Far-Right Sheriffs Ready to Disrupt the Election
Constitutional Sheriffs are duly elected lawmen who believe they answer only to god. They’ve spent the last six months preparing to stop a “stolen” election—by any means necessary.
Avoiding ‘The Overlap Trap’: Poor org structure can sabotage results
Janet Sherlock is a digital and retail executive with a long track record of modernizing organizations, processes, and solutions. She has held various P&L and technology leadership roles at companies such as British Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Guess, and Carters. Most recently she was the chief digital and technology officer at Ralph Lauren, where she was responsible…
How the EU is getting the most out of emerging tech
The IT world is witnessing an ever closer convergence of cloud, edge, and AI. Collecting and processing data at the edge via connected objects is an integral part of applications for Industry 4.0, but also for things like precision agriculture, smart cities and logistics. The vast world of IIoT is closely linked to connectivity, processing data locally using AI,…
IT pros: One-third of AI projects just for show
As organizations rush to spin up AI projects, many IT professionals aren’t sold on the value of these early efforts. A substantial 36% of IT professionals surveyed by believe that the primary purpose of many AI projects they’ve worked on is to show investors, board members, or outside stakeholders that the company is doing…
CIO의 AI 도입 성공을 좌우하는 4가지 핵심 과제
CIO는 생성형 AI 프로젝트에서 의미 있는 성과를 내야 한다는 압박을 받고 있지만, 비용의 급등과 복잡한 거버넌스 문제로 인해 성과를 내는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다고 가트너는 밝혔다. 가트너는 AI가 비즈니스를 혁신할 수 있는 잠재력을 갖고 있음에도 불구하고, 많은 고위 기술 리더가 예측 불가능한 비용, 불균형한 생산성 향상, AI 도입 확대에 따른 위험 증가와 씨름하고 있다고 분석했다.…
Luz verde al Sistema de Inteligencia Turística de La Rioja
Cada vez más administraciones públicas apuestan por la digitalización en aras de mejorar los servicios que brindan al ciudadano. Este es el caso del Ejecutivo riojano que, tras la celebración del último Consejo de Gobierno, ha dado luz verde a la licitación del nuevo Sistema de Inteligencia Turística de La Rioja (SITR). Así, la prestación…
Meet ZachXBT, the Masked Vigilante Tracking Down Billions in Crypto Scams and Thefts
He just untangled a $243 million bitcoin theft, what may be the biggest-ever crypto heist to target a single victim. And he has never shown his face.
Technologist Bruce Schneier on security, society and why we need ‘public AI’ models
The renowned security expert says fully transparent models can help us turn AI into a tool that produces benefits for everyone.
“데이터 중심 비즈니스를 위해 기업 데이터 플랫폼 첫 구축…” 의료 기업 세비타 CIO
세비타는 신체적, 지적, 행동적 어려움을 겪는 성인과 아동, 그리고 그 가족에게 혁신적인 서비스와 지원을 제공하는 데 전념하고 있다. 사람 중심 케어를 통해 개인의 자립심을 키우고, 삶의 질을 개선하며 웰빙을 증진하는 것이 주업무다. 따라서 노동력, 시설 점유율, 참여도에 관한 데이터는 매우 중요한 의미를 지닌다. CIO인 패트릭 피치니노는 통합되지 않은 데이터에서 의미 있는 대시보드, 인사이트 및 데이터…