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  • The secret to successful digital initiatives is pretty simple, according to Gartner

    Only 48% of digital initiatives meet or exceed their business outcome targets, but the successful ones seem to have one big thing in common.

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  • The Download: beyond freezing food, and AI mediation

    This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. How refrigeration ruined fresh food Three-quarters of everything in the average American diet passes through the cold chain—the network of warehouses, shipping containers, trucks, display cases, and domestic fridges that keep meat, milk,…

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  • Today’s AI ecosystem is unsustainable for most everyone but Nvidia, warns top scholar

    Calling the economics of artificial intelligence ‘incredibly unhealthy,’ Kai-Fu Lee suggests taking a lesson from Steve Jobs and the iPhone.

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  • Singapore unveils AI system guidelines, emphasizing secure-by-design

    Singapore has rolled out new cybersecurity measures to safeguard AI systems against traditional threats like supply chain attacks and emerging risks such as adversarial machine learning, including data poisoning and evasion attacks. In its Guidelines and Companion Guide for Securing AI Systems, Singapore’s Cyber Security Agency (CSA) stressed that AI systems must be secure by…

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  • CIOs must become chief IT evangelists

    Technology evangelists abound in the IT sector, but typically the term is used to describe a marketing-related role aimed at promoting a product, service, or technology. These external-facing positions have been established to educate users and enterprises about a company’s offerings and inspire those potential customers to adopt them. Individuals who succeed in these roles…

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  • Riled by SAP’s AI policy, customers issue list of demands

    Many SAP customers are still looking for the transformation melody that suits them. This was once again made clear at this year’s annual congress of the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG), which the organizers held under the motto “Triad of the future: users, SAP, and partners as the pacesetters of transformation.” But there can be no…

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  • CIOs recalibrate multicloud strategies as challenges remain

    Cloud strategies are undergoing a sea change of late, with CIOs becoming more intentional about making the most of multiple clouds. But managing multicloud environments presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to the interoperability and workload-fluidity issues at the center of more deliberate — rather than happenstance — multicloud strategies. “A lot of ‘multicloud’…

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  • Turismo de Andalucía impulsa la transformación digital de la industria en la región

    La Consejería de Turismo de la Junta de Andalucía ha suscrito un acuerdo de colaboración con Microsoft para acelerar la modernización tecnológica del sector turístico de la región. Una alianza que tiene por objeto transformar y digitalizar los servicios públicos y el tejido empresarial vinculado a una industria fundamental para la economía regional y nacional,…

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  • “AI와 함께하는 단톡방”··· 카카오, 차세대 커뮤니케이션 앱 ‘카나나’ 공개

    카카오가 그룹 전체의 AI 비전과 방향성을 22일 공개했다. 그룹대화의 맥락까지 이해하는 AI 서비스 ‘카나나(Kanana)’ 출시를 예고하며, AI 전문 기업으로 성장할 것이라는 포부를 밝혔다. 카카오가 경기도 용인시 카카오 AI 캠퍼스에서 ‘이프카카오 AI 2024’를 개최했다. 올해로 6회째를 맞은 이프카카오는 그룹의 기술 비전과 성과를 공개하는 개발자 컨퍼런스로, 22일부터 24일까지 진행된다. 카카오는 이번 컨퍼런스 주제를 AI로 정하고, ‘모든 연결을 새롭게’라는 슬로건 아래 총 94개 세션을 선보인다 22일…

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  • SAP, 공급망 지속가능성 추적 시스템 출시··· “데이터 일관성·정확성 강화”

    SAP는 이미 대다수 기업 파트너가 자사 시스템을 사용하고 있어, 관련 데이터를 효과적으로 수집하고 공유할 수 있는 최적의 위치에 있다고 강조했다. 환경 지속가능성 프로그램은 복잡한 과학 기술을 다루기 때문에, CIO에게 가장 까다로운 관리 과제로 손꼽힌다. SAP는 2023년 5월에 이러한 지속가능성 프로그램을 추진한다고 발표했으며, SAP 대변인 한나 하이네는 “베타 테스트가 완료됐으며 이제 외부에서 공식 사용할 수 있다”라고…

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