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  • Getting the timing right at Setterwalls to invest in AI support

    In recent years, there’ve been a number of smaller AI products geared toward the legal profession, but it wasn’t until gen AI caught on that Swedish law firm Setterwalls really saw the benefit. “We saw that there was potential to benefit on a broad front,” says CIO Daniel Sandberg.  With backing from management and great interest…

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  • OpenAI’s GPT Store Has Left Some Developers in the Lurch

    OpenAI promised payouts to custom GPT creators. Now most are turning to outside sources for revenue.

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  • What is digital transformation? Ongoing reinvention

    Digital transformation definition Digital transformation is an organization-wide strategy aimed at leveraging digital technologies to modernize key business processes and to introduce new services that better engage customers, support employees, improve operations, and drive business value to the bottom line. When done correctly, digital transformation becomes embedded in the enterprise strategy, with the organization’s CEO,…

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  • Job title of the future: Digital forest ranger

    When Martin Roth began his career as a forest ranger in the 1980s, his job was to care for the forest in a way that would ensure continuity for decades, even centuries. Now, with climate change, it’s more about planning for an uncertain future. “It’s turned into disaster management,” says Roth, for whom the 3,000…

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  • 일문일답 | NTT 데이터 CIO 배리 슈키가 말하는 ‘인재 중심’ IT 혁신 전략

    배리 슈키는 NTT 데이터의 북미 지사 CIO로서 디지털 전환 프로젝트를 책임지고 있으며, 동시에 IT 로드맵을 최적화하여 회사와 고객을 지원하는 역할을 맡고 있다. 또한 슈키는 CIO 역할 외에도 델 서비스(Dell Services)라는 기업의 인수를 주도했으며, 호주에서 대규모의 아웃소싱 계약을 성사시키기도 했다. NTT 데이터 이전에는 EDS, 트래블포트(Travelport), HP 등에서 임원직을 역임하기도 했다. 35년 이상의 IT 서비스 산업 경력을…

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  • These are the best ways to measure your body fat

    This article first appeared in The Checkup, MIT Technology Review’s weekly biotech newsletter. To receive it in your inbox every Thursday, and read articles like this first, sign up here. This week, an office conversation turned to body weight. We all know that being overweight is not great for your health—it’s linked to metabolic diseases like diabetes and…

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  • Where AI avatars are at your service 24/7

    In South Korea, DeepBrain AI’s hyper-realistic avatars are playing a variety of roles – store clerk, bank teller, tutor, even financial analyst. Exactly how is that working out so far?

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  • ScienceAgentBench: A Rigorous AI Evaluation Framework for Language Agents in Scientific Discovery

    Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools capable of performing complex tasks beyond text generation, including reasoning, tool learning, and code generation. These advancements have sparked significant interest in developing LLM-based language agents to automate scientific discovery processes. Researchers are exploring the potential of these agents to revolutionise data-driven discovery workflows across various…

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  • 40+ Cool AI Tools You Should Check Out (Oct 2024)

    DeepSwap DeepSwap is an AI-based tool for anyone who wants to create convincing deepfake videos and images. It is super easy to create your content by refacing videos, pictures, memes, old movies, GIFs… You name it. The app has no content restrictions, so users can upload material of any content. Besides, you can get a 50%…

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  • “고객 여권정보 새나갔는데 4년간 몰라”··· 메리어트, 데이터 유출 책임으로 700억원 벌금 지불

    미국 연방거래위원회(FTC)는 메리어트 인터내셔널(Marriott International, 이하 메리어트)과 그 자회사인 스타우드 호텔 앤 리조트 월드와이드(Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide LLC, 이하 스타우드)가 2014년부터 2020년 사이에 발생한 세 건의 대규모 데이터 유출 사건과 관련하여 조사 결과와 합의 사항을 9일 발표했다. 메리어트는 미국 전역과 130개국 이상에서 7,000개 이상의 계열사 호텔을 관리하고 있으며, 2016년에 스타우드를 인수한 이후 메리어트 계열…

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