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“La georreferencia es una forma diferente de resolver problemas”
Desde el siglo VII a.C, los mapas han ayudado a las personas a entender su entorno y situarse en un territorio. Lejos de estar hechos a lápiz y papel, la versión moderna o tecnológica de los mapas son los sistemas de información geográfica (GIS, por sus siglas en inglés), que permiten superponer todo tipo de…
Your doctor might be using AI to answer your questions – here’s how that works
A popular patient portal called MyChart now employs an AI bot that thousands of US doctors are using to write messages to their patients. Disclosure is optional.
The five tech trends driving video games
Video game development is driven by technology and those technologies and techniques are always changing. Here’s five that are currently moving things forward.Read More
Two Nobel Prize winners want to cancel their own CRISPR patents in Europe
In the decade-long fight to control CRISPR, the super-tool for modifying DNA, it’s been common for lawyers to try to overturn patents held by competitors by pointing out errors or inconsistencies. But now, in a surprise twist, the team that earned the Nobel Prize for developing CRISPR is asking to cancel two of their own…
“번역앱 열 필요 없어요”··· 플리토, 하나은행 외국인 상담창구에 ‘AI 통번역 시스템’ 제공
이번에 도입된 플리토의 AI 통번역 솔루션 ‘챗 트랜스레이션(Chat Translation)’은 하나은행 평택외국인센터점 4개 상담창구에서 영어, 일본어, 베트남어 등 최대 38개 언어를 실시간으로 지원한다. 플리토는 “챗 트랜스레이션을 통해 외국인 고객은 언어 장벽 없이 신속하고 정확한 금융 상담을 받을 수 있어, 금융 서비스의 접근성이 크게 향상될 것”이라고 기대했다. 플리토에 따르면, 챗 트랜스레이션은 맥락을 파악하는 기능을 갖추고 있어 고객은…
Best Headphones for Working Out (2024): Bose, Shokz, JLab
Rock your inner jock with a pair of sturdy, sweatproof, and tangle-proof headphones. Here are our favorites.
‘수학방정식’으로 AI를 속이다··· 생성형 AI 무력화하는 新 공격 기법 ‘매쓰프롬프트’란?
미국 텍사스 대학교 샌안토니오, 멕시코 몬테레이 공과대학교, 미국 플로리다 국제 대학교 연구진이 지난주 발표한 연구에 따르면, 생성형 AI 시스템의 악용 방지를 위한 보안장치가 자연어가 아닌 수학 방정식을 입력하는 방식을 통해 무력화될 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 연구진은 이를 ‘매쓰프롬프트’라고 명명했으며, 챗GPT와 같은 대규모 언어 모델의 보안 보호 장치를 피할 수 있다는 점에서 ‘탈옥’ 공격의 한 형태라고…
Minish Lab Releases Model2Vec: An AI Tool for Distilling Small, Super-Fast Models from Any Sentence Transformer
Minish Lab recently unveiled Model2Vec, a revolutionary tool designed to distill smaller, faster models from any Sentence Transformer. With this innovation, Minish Lab aims to provide researchers and developers with a highly efficient alternative for handling natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Model2Vec allows for the rapid distillation of compact models without sacrificing performance, positioning it…
A tiny new open-source AI model performs as well as powerful big ones
The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Ai2), a research nonprofit, is releasing a family of open-source multimodal language models, called Molmo, that it says perform as well as top proprietary models from OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic. The organization claims that its biggest Molmo model, which has 72 billion parameters, outperforms OpenAI’s GPT-4o, which is estimated…
‘The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom’ Trades Tropes for New Tricks
Nintendo’s latest Legend of Zelda game proves the franchise’s namesake princess doesn’t need to pull off Link’s tricks to have a great game of her own.