Trump has California’s high-speed rail in his crosshairs again

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President Donald Trump has set his sights on California’s high-speed rail plan, calling it “the worst-managed project” with massive cost overruns that deserve to be investigated.

“They have hundreds of billions of dollars of cost overruns,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office on Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles Times. “It’s impossible that something could cost that much.”

A spokesperson for the California High-Speed Rail Authority declined to comment on the record, instead posting to X, “Ignore the noise. We’re busy building.”

The authority also sought to respond to Trump’s claims that “hundreds of billions of dollars” have been spent, noting that only $10.5 billion of $13 billion has been funded by the state of California. The project has 50 major structures, 60 guideways, and ha …

Read the full story at The Verge.

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